Summer Slaughter Bill 2010 - Yay or Nay?

I love shows for that reason too, but those types of shows are becoming few and far between now. I honestly think I'm just burnt out on the live show experience. Doing Metal Shop, I was going to shows constantly, mainly featuring bands I didn't care about. I met a lot of phony people and a lot of drunks and so many people that were just trying too hard to impress everyone else and I hate it. It was like a big version of grown up high school, as much as all of them would deny that, that's all it is.

I think I'm becoming jaded with the whole "metal lifestyle". I think what initially draws people to this kind of lifestyle is ultimately what makes me lose interest in it now... the fact that you sort of have to believe that metal and music are the absolute most important things in the world and everything else can fuck off. I don't believe in that attitude anymore and when I go to shows I see nothing but people who still do. It's all fine and dandy, but it's not for me anymore. All anybody ever wants to talk about is some band's new album or some other band that's coming to town soon or any other typical hesher activity you can think of. I don't care anymore about talking about that stuff. I get much more out of hanging out with my real friends in a medium where we can talk and think about things besides metal and music and slamming beers.

Honestly, I think the bottom line is I just oversaturated myself with the show-going lifestyle and now I feel my time and money are better spent elsewhere, experiencing things that I'm not familiar with :)

I will still go see bands I love and enjoy the company I find myself in while I'm there. I just can't do it all the time anymore and especially when I don't care about the music.

I completely agree with this. While i have not been to as many shows as Kev, i feel the atmosphere of metal shows is just not really my style much these days. I prefer more laid back shows now and stuff i really REALLY wanna see. I guess i want a different crowd when i go to shows now. Metal shows were a lot of fun but im getting older and want to groove more than just bang my head and stuff. Im not as in touch with the metal community and all the bands much these days anyway.

Fuck the 'metal lifestyle'.

Listen to good music. Support those that make it. Have a good time doing it.