Summer Slaughter Canadia


Active Member
Dec 14, 2006
Buffalo, New York

Looks pretty good to me, figured id spread hte word amd ask if Divinity/band next to them godforbid legible logos/veil of maya and neuraxis are any good?
Is it just me or should Necrophagist release a new record sometime in the next century before they continue to whore out through touring.
rms, Divinty are a tech thrash/melodeath band, they recently signed with Nuclear Blast. I saw them last week at a really small venue nd they kicked ass, so hopefully they will demolish on a larger stage and in front of a bigger crowd. They're also from a city around 3 hous from myself, so I feel compelled to support them.
Is it just me or should Necrophagist release a new record sometime in the next century before they continue to whore out through touring.

There's a CD finished and being released this year, they also have added a new drummer.

@element, thanks, will check them out
I wouldn't mind if they replaced one of the sceneXcore bands on the US bill with Neuraxis, but aside from them the Canadian leg isn't that special.
I'll probably just go to that to see Dying Fetus. I thought about going to this when Decapitated were also in the line up. Unfortunate that the drummer died. Necrophagist are tacky though.
Necrophagist has a new drummer? Man, the guy they had last year on the Summer Slaughter was amazing. Glad to hear they are working on releasing new material.

Last year SS came through Tucson. This year I think they are skipping us and only going to Phoenix. Sucks.
Necrophagist has a new drummer? Man, the guy they had last year on the Summer Slaughter was amazing. Glad to hear they are working on releasing new material.

Last year SS came through Tucson. This year I think they are skipping us and only going to Phoenix. Sucks.

hes pretty sweet, his tryout video is on youtube