Sun Caged new CD release party..


Apr 29, 2004
Tomorrow (Friday) the dynamic duo Hawk & Nut are gonna visit the CD release party of the new Sun Caged album. I'm very curious about it, I heard the promo and it's real good ! The previous Sun Caged album also is one of my all time favorite Metal albums. The line up is a bit different now, off course master guitar player Marcel Coenen is still in the band , but there's a new vocalist and keyboard player. I'll try and put a little review up this weekend... :headbang:

Yea looking very much forward to this one!! I hope I can buy the album there. When their s/t album was released in 2003 it ended up at the top of my yearlist. So you could say I have great expectations for this album. Well, we'll see. :)
Had to get up early today after a loooong night... And the guy I had an appointment with didn't show up :ill:
So, I got a little time for a quick review of the concert and stuff...

Before the gig we picked up Marlies, a friend of Hawk, who is...well, crazzzzy !! :lol:
(not the Marlies from above...even crazier :p )
We first had some French fries to strenghten our inner selves. A rather drunk old lady sat next to me, grabbed my arm and said "Jezus, you look beautifull, I love your hair !!" ... As she grabbed my arm I offcourse quickly told I was a happy married man, but said Hawk wasn't married...In a strange Dutch dialect (Marlies was there for translation) she said " no, not that guy, you can't see if you are talking to his ass or his head" (pointing at Hawks bald head)...HILARIOUS !!

After that off to the Sun Caged gig. The concert was very good for me. Sun Caged has moved in a little bit more in a melodic direction, and I like it alot. Although the vocalist hasn't got the power in his voice as the previous Sun Caged singer, his reach is great and fits the music perfect...As allways, guitar master Marcel Coenen treated us with some sparklin' guitar work..amazing how easy guitar playing seems te be when watching this guy. About all songs of the new "Artemisia" CD were played , a CD I really can recommend for fans of Melodic Progressive Metal !! Together with Neil Morse's last album the best of 2007 uptill now for me...Okay, I'm in a more softer melodic mood lately, but it's good stuff!!
Hawk has taken some pics wich he surely will post in a few days...

After the gig we went to have a drink in "Rock-city" Eindhoven. Met a friend of Hawk there who I also spend some time with in pubs, 25 years ago !! He's DJ in a great hardrock pub "Roadhouse" , we need to spend some more time there later Hawk !!