Sunbutter is better than peanut butter.

Nate The Great

What would Nathan do?
May 10, 2002

I eat it all the time. I don't even use peanut butter anymore. I like to support local agriculture. There aren't any peanuts grown within about 1,000 miles of me. Sunflowers are grown everywhere around me, though. Plus, I like the taste of sunbutter better.

How do you like your crushed seeds and nuts?
I bought some of the Smuckers natural peanut butter, at first it was not as enjoyable to eat, but by the end of the jar the flavor was amazing. Thinking that "nah, it's still not as good as the other types of peanut butter," I just went back to a jar of the "regular" stuff. Now it all just tastes like junk and sugar and fake peanuts. Gross. Guess I'll go back to Smuckers, or find some other brand that makes theirs the same way. Skippy markets a "natural" peanut butter, but it still has sugar listed in the ingredients, not sure what the big difference is.

Anyway I really want to try some SUNBUTTER. I'll track it down.
Natural peanut butter was great stuff once I got through the first round. I'd love to try some sunbutter... sadly its probably harder to find than peanut butter....
At Whole Foods you can grind your PB in store. Rich, creamy, nutty goodness!


Previous 2pg PB roundtable
I went to several stores today, all had Sunbutter.

First place had it for 4.09 for 16 oz jar, I thought: "ehhh natural peanut butter is cheaper" (although the natural sunbutter was about 6.99 so not really a fair comparison overall)

Then I went to another store and it was 4.99, and I thought "well now I KNOW it's cheaper elsewhere" BUT at the same time I decided to look at their peanut butter making contraption like the Whole Foods one Jerry posted above, and noticed that peanut butter is only 1.99 a pound! whoa! I'll try some when I next need it.

But yeah, I guess there's that whole thing about supporting local agriculture that you take into consideration with the price.

Didn't really need any today, but at least I know it's easy to find for when I'm out of PB!
We were at the Las Colinas Kroger today and as I pumping gas they were playing Get Outta My Dreams, Get Into My Car.

Cara said "oh hey and this is where he shops"

I thought she was talking about Billy Ocean. :(
This is really defeating the purpose of anonymous postage on internet mediums. Not only do most of you know my name, but a few of you live and breathe near or around my food.
For a second I thought this thread was about snusbutter and then I wondered where all the Swedes were and decided to re-read the thread title.