Girl Died From Asthma, Not Peanut Butter Kiss


You'll Be in Hell With ME
Nov 23, 2002
MONTREAL (May 12) - The infamous peanut butter kiss originally thought to have killed a Quebec girl had nothing to do with her death, a coroner revealed Thursday.
Christina Desforges died from an asthma attack after "physical exertion" with her boyfriend, not from an allergic reaction to a peanut butter-laced kiss, said coroner Michel Miron.
The 15-year-old girl stopped breathing in the early morning hours of Nov. 20, 2005, after kissing her boyfriend. He had eaten two pieces of toast with peanut butter about nine hours earlier.
The initial suspicion that lingering peanut allergens triggered an allergic reaction was wrong, Miron said. Instead, he blamed a sudden, severe asthma attack following physical activity with her boyfriend.
"Nine hours passed between the time when the young man ate his two toasts and 3 a.m. when he kissed Christina," Miron said in announcing his findings.
"A recent study shows at the end of an hour, there is no allergen left in the saliva. It's not very probable that peanut butter is implicated. Nine hours later, I don't believe it and studies show the same thing."
The girl had spent hours at a party with smokers at a home in Saguenay, Que., when her breathing problems began. She also had smoked pot in the previous hours, Miron added, another factor that can cause problems for asthma sufferers.
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Around 3 a.m., Desforges told her boyfriend she was having trouble breathing. She went in the basement to get her inhaler and had trouble getting down the stairs, waking a second teenage boy with her wheezing and stumbling.
"They helped Christina go up the stairs and they decided to go outside," Miron said in Saguenay, about 250 kilometres north of Quebec City.
"She collapsed and stopped breathing. The 911 recording is not funny to hear. You can imagine, two young boys 15 years old dealing with a young girl in front of them, not breathing."
The boys tried to resuscitate Desforges and she was taken to hospital, but the coroner estimates her brain was deprived of oxygen for 25 to 30 minutes. She was taken off life support nine days later.
Desforges was allergic to nuts and peas among other foods and had suffered reactions as a young child to cashews and meatball stew.
The girl also suffered asthma from a young age, carrying an inhaler to deal with respiratory problems that popped up occasionally.
In August 2005, Desforges went to a local emergency room to deal with a severe asthma attack after spending the day in a house with two cats, a dog and smokers.
Asthma kills about 500 Canadians every year, according to the Asthma Society of Canada.
About three million Canadians suffer from the disease, a chronic inflammation of the airways that may be triggered by an over-sensitive immune system.
What a shitty situation. My step-daughter has asthma and I don't worry about it because she has it under control with medications but when I read something like that, it does concern me a bit. I think the only good thing to come of this is at least the boyfriend doesn't have to worry that he caused her death.
um...."died from an asthma attack after "physical exertion" with her boyfriend"

i'm sure the kid still blames himself, terrible stuff to read.......
lokey said:
um...."died from an asthma attack after "physical exertion" with her boyfriend"

i'm sure the kid still blames himself, terrible stuff to read.......

True, I forgot about that part. I was focused on the peanuts.
peanut alergies are hectic tho, so i can understand why........i dont get why they are so severe tho generally, and why it seems to be on the increase massively, when i was at school, like in the 80's, i dont remember people dying from peanuts?

anyway seems odd this girl with asthma was smoking puff, hanging with smokers etc maybe the guy got her into doobies too?......
Jockthrax said:
Lokey what the hells that quote in your sig buddy?

yeah its a bit chunky huh.... still , its a little story i like, with a sound moral ;) can't remember how i stumbled into these quotes , its something to do with snl tho, but having pretty much never seen that show , cant tell u much about it, crtainly never seen the jack handey bits anyway.......been using them as email sigs for a few years, but i get the feeling they are pretty old........

i went with the cowboy on here cos its my fave, it makes me smile anyway....but tadpoles almost nicked it ;)

"I can still recall old Mister Barnslow getting out every morning and nailing a fresh load of tadpoles to the old board of his. Then he'd spin it round and round, like a wheel of fortune, and no matter where it stopped he'd yell out, "Tadpoles! Tadpoles is a winner!" We all thought he was crazy. But then we had some growing up to do."
dudes, I posted this months ago and no one contributed there two cents then.

fuck you guys.

well, I'm sorry, I take that back.

But seriously, fuck you guys.
Thrillho said:
dudes, I posted this months ago and no one contributed there two cents then.

fuck you guys.

well, I'm sorry, I take that back.

But seriously, fuck you guys.
For what it's worth, I remember that thread.
But I just don't care. :D
Thrillho said:
dudes, I posted this months ago and no one contributed there two cents then.

fuck you guys.

well, I'm sorry, I take that back.

But seriously, fuck you guys.

NICE!!!!! Don't forget to say Happy Mothers DAy!!!!
This is kinda' old news here, but I'm still supprised they didn't try to blame her death on the Liberal Party.
Her death was those damn republicans fault. Yeah I know what you are thinking. "Canadians are Socialist." Well guess what? That little girl is chilling on an island with 2pac and Elvis and we are all sitting here on the interweb dreading going to work tomorrow.

Or maybe that's just me.

My most meaningless random post in a while. (I really am dreading work tomorrow)

And Thra:rofl:ude - thank you for remembering! Even if you didn't care.
I have had allergy asthma all my life (as has my family) - oddly enough it only became apparent when my parents moved from Europe to Australia - the dryer and warmer climate combined with the native flora was attributed to this.

But it is very mild though. Nothing life threatening. Living in Melbourne where the humidity and moisture levels are higher has certainly helped me.