amazingly hot girl talked to me this morning!

Just do all you can do to get her to go somewhere with you. Then take her to Lollicup at a time when you're certain you will "be seen" if you know what I mean. Pay attention to the facial expressions of the girl who works there, and then go back a couple days later alone and you will be golden.
really? i always thought there were major issues with the lollicup girl because she's seen me there in the company of a woman several times, so wouldn't that make her less likely to suddenly crack and slip me her phone number?

although she's seen me with different girls, so maybe that's good?
Well it's bad if she thinks you're a he-slut, but no big deal if the women she's seen you with are just the regular quasimodos you usually hang around with.

The "amazingly hot girl" should turn the tables a bit.

Or maybe you actually meant:
"Amazingly, hot girl talked to me this morning!"
If I speak to a hot girl, it's usually something like "Don't wake the sleeping bags!" then I skip away... which I'm surprised Josh missed that while bird watching in Harvard square. Of course, I'm weird and don't notice a chick is hot until I've dated her for two months. Before that, I'm usually squinting due to migranes...
i talked to my grandmother last night and she said to me 'this is the first person i've seen you with that wasn't coyote ugly!'. i was like, 'oh.'
Pizza guy shows up at our house. Slams car door shut. Car is still running. Tries to open back door to get pizza. Is locked. Tries to reopen driver's side door. It is locked.

"Oh!!!I locked shut the door!"

(Several minutes pass with dude calling pizza shop to get replacement keys.)

(Several awkward silent minutes follow).

"So....what nationality are you guys?"

"Uh, we're American."


(loooooooooooooooong pause)

"How 'bout you?"

"Oh? I am Greek."