I'm gonna pull a preppy and describe my weekend's drama with a clip from my journal


Nov 8, 2001
New York City
I went to my friend Dave's rented house on the Cape for Friday and Saturday nights--there was a big party on Saturday night, mostly all MA-accented Portugie kids from Stoughton, and Irene and I went out to get some food and were gone for two hours.

We got back and my roommate Bill pulled me aside. Apparently there had been some drama. One of the Stoughton girls, Leah, had a sister who was down for the party, and the sister had brought a friend. She was 22 or so, and had just moved into a new apartment right near Randolph, MA. Eight or nine people were sitting round the table playing drinking games when someone was like, "So you live in Randolph now?" She curled her lip and said disgustedly, "No. I'm not black."

The table went dead silent and everybody immediately looked at Bill, the only black guy there. I guess she hadn't really meant it as a joke, and it was awkward for a moment. Bill rolled the dice and got a number that allowed him to make people drink, and defused the situation a little by pointing at her and being like "Okay, these are definitely for you."

Shortly after Leah pulled him aside and apologised soooo much, and then the girl herself came and apologised. By now, I was back from the store, and was playing cards with Irene, Lisa, Trish, and Vanessa. Heading out to the deck to smoke a cigarette (yes, I broke my two-month cigarette edge, to the tune of maybe a dozen smokes all weekend), I noticed that Bill and Klan Girl were sitting next to each other and...uh...was his arm around her?

I hurried back in and gossiped to my fellow card players. We buzzed about it for awhile until Bill and Klan Girl came inside together, and locked themselves in the bathroom! More gossip. It began to get around the party. Leah--very forward girl--came over and barged in, closed the door, either peed with them in there or talked, and then came back out; shortly after, they retired to our shared bedroom. We grabbed Dave and gossiped. "Oh, my bed!" he moaned. And all our cigarettes, weed, shrooms, et cetera were in there! "Five minutes. I'll give him five minutes." declared Dave.

Within five Bill was coming out, buckling his pants--just to get a condom (thank God he remembered). He passed out the drugs, closed the door, and the gossiping intensified. Total guilt-fuck!

Irene and I met Bill on the porch and I cheerfully talked to him about the upcoming Black Eyes show; Irene said she admired how boys could do that. "Do what?" I asked. "Talk about music right after...that" she said, looking genuinely admiring. But later I pulled Bill aside and got some great information. She was married, and when I spread that round Dave started bellowing about Bill "gettin' himself a little bit of adultery". Also, Leah's sister and Klan Girl left immediately after, Leah's sister telling Bill and Leah sympathetically that "she's had a bad night". Ouch.

Lisa also found a brown streak on the side of Dave's bed, which I THINK had been there before, but everyone of course started calling it the "Dirty Sanchez" mark, and a good dozen and a half people were pulled in at various times to lift the covers and look at it. I took a picture of it on Trish's camera. Yeah, we're all 25, by the way.

and also, i think the guilt was a factor, but not a monolith. i think that, after the incident, NO ONE would talk her her except Bill. which is a really interesting comment on race in america when you can get totally ostracized for what's not even really a bad comment!
I don't know if "sad" is exactly the word for it, actually? If Bill had been really pissed about it and they hadn't made up, I think it would've been kind of bad, but he's good-humored and it worked out in the end?