Sunn O))) - Black 1

Dark One and I went outside to grab a breath of fresh air (at the Slough Feg show in NY) and ended up chatting with some guy. Turns out it was Greg Anderson of Sun O))). Good guy. Very laid back.

I hate how people think that Sun O))) are original.

look shit up like:


and a million more noise artists that do it better and have been doing it longer, then Sun O))).

It really really bothers me that people think that they are doing somthing new and extreme.

and bothers me even more that they are filed under Metal, instead of Noise.
Décadent said:
They're not really noise though, or at least not in the Merzbow way. They're just drone. And anyway, Earth did it first.

Well, they arn't power noise or harsh noise, but they are drone which is still part of the noise genre really...

If you guys wanna hear my noise/soundscapes I'll share =) Hahaha SHAMELESS PLUG
and Sunn admits they are just an Earth tribute band, they don't do it for originality, its all in the fun of sub bass drones, rattling foundations, and making people poo themselves.