'Sunset' Acoustic song!


aka utarefson
May 14, 2008
Jelenia Gora/PL
Edit 08. 01.

Re-recorded lead, remixed, I think it's cleaner now!

New link: http://soundclick.com/share?songid=6765238


Hi guys!

I wanted to make an acoustic song for some time and since I've borrowed some recording stuff lately, Ive been able to do so. There was a lot of work with it and I hope You'll like it! My friend played also an amazing guest solo there (1:33 - 1:54). The mix isn't perfect, but tell me how do You like the song! It's called 'Sunset'.


Yeah the bass has this room vibe cause it's an acoustic bass guitar, and was recorded awkwardly by myself in a compleatly-non-acoustically-treated room. It's actually first time when I work with microphones. But the acoustic guitar sounds good I think :)
It passed the goosebumps test. I like it a lot.

The recording is really good considering it's the first time you have worked with microphones - impressive! The drums are really roomy sounding but it kind of works with the tune.

all in all though, high five.
No no no, the drums are from ezdrummer! Only the bass and acoustic guitar was taken thru mics. Lead guitars are from POD plus some efx plugins.

Whats a goosebumps test? :)

Oh well that explains it, haha.

and, the song was good enough to give me goosebumps at one point. the goosebumps test.
Hmm, really nice tune dude, I dig - the panned acoustics I like the sound of, but that first acoustic that comes in in the center is honestly one of the worst sounds I've ever heard, gotta level with ya :erk: Still, that's just a critique of the sound of it, I like the notes. And the distorted guitar is cool, though it sounds like the player is a bit hesitant (and out of tune), so I would really recommend tightening it up. Your friend's solo is really soaring, it's perfect!

Has great promise indeed...
Very Nice Man !.You are a awesome guitarist.I'm your fan and your composition is very well..I played the solo there but I don't like it :D.
Cya Man! :D