This is an acoustic version of my song 'Moths'... Original title was 'Flies to shit & a Moth to Flame'.. Electric version is Moths, acoustic is Flies. 
I've wanted to record this acoustic version for quite some time so it's good to get it done. I normally don't really care to record acoustic stuff but I'm making a new batch of EP's to sell at gigs and I wanted to add some new material... With 2 other new recordings now have 8 songs.. Is that an album yet? lol.
Anyway, would really like to hear your thoughts on the acoustic version of Moths...
I'll link Moths too so you can compare versions.
Flies - Soundclick
Flies - Dropbox.
Moths - Soundclick.
- Rick.

I've wanted to record this acoustic version for quite some time so it's good to get it done. I normally don't really care to record acoustic stuff but I'm making a new batch of EP's to sell at gigs and I wanted to add some new material... With 2 other new recordings now have 8 songs.. Is that an album yet? lol.
Anyway, would really like to hear your thoughts on the acoustic version of Moths...
I'll link Moths too so you can compare versions.
Flies - Soundclick
Flies - Dropbox.
Moths - Soundclick.
- Rick.