Sup Sluts?


Mr. Negativity
Jan 12, 2004
The West Coast
Its sad but without an internet connection except at my job, I have no way of posting on any sort of regular basis (I would post from work but use of lab computers is limited, the price of working with a bunch of MDs). Also, is Kayo Dot going to be in NY state at all this summer? Like Syracuse or Buffalo (where I am)? Also, I have no TV, is anything important happening the world beyond my specific research topic, being the world mechanical ventilation, autoimmune damageto the lung, and comprimised lung mechanics in the ARDS patient?
Yeah, but Kayo Dot is probably mainstream on their planet. SELLOUTS!

Also, Nick Goatschool, I'm in Syracuse, wanna catch the northwestern loop of the beer trail?
Not much so far, but later this summer I'll be able to google myself and actually get something interesting, not to mention I'll have some awesome video and pictures of what lungs look like under a microscope and electron microscope. Actually surprisingly like bubblewrap. Also, I'm now one of the people on PETA's death list as I perform surgeries on and euthanitize multiple animals on a daily basis in the name of science.
one of my friends is getting a doctorate in computer science and just had some article published in a journal about using AI to scan lungs for abnormalities. he, too, talked about how excited he was to be googleable.
Hey Alex, is there anyway you could tell me how to find his research and if possible, how small the abnormalities can be? Part of my research is looking for tears in the alveolus that can only be detected using an electron microscope so if that is the scaning field he is talking about, well, it would go a long way to validating or disproving my current article topic. I'm sure his research is more on a lung mechanics, atelectasis, or cancer detection and if so it would be useless to me. However, if he is talking about morphometric abnormalities on a microscopic scale, he and I could potentially collaborate to both of our benefit.
I dunno if it'll help but here's his work:

Journal Papers

W. Mullally, M. Betke, J. Wang, and J. P. Ko, "Segmentation of Nodules on Chest Computed Tomography for Growth Assessment." Medical Physics, 31(4), pp. 839-848, April 2004. Link to publisher.
Conference Papers

W. Mullally, M. Betke, H. Hong, J. Wang, K. Mann, and J. P. Ko, "Multi-criterion 3D Segmentation and Registration of Pulmonary Nodules on CT: A Preliminary Investigation," International Conference on Diagnostic Imaging and Analysis, ICDIA 2002, pp. 176-181, Shanghai, China, August 2002. pdf .

M. Betke, W. Mullally, "Preliminary Investigation of Real-Time Monitoring of a Driver in City Traffic." Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference of Intelligent Vehicles, IV 2000, Dearborn, MI, October 2000. pdf (color), pdf (bw), ps.Z, ps.

M. Betke, W. Mullally, J. Magee, "Active Detection of Eye Scleras in Real Time." Proceedings of the IEEE CVPR Workshop on Human Modeling, Analysis and Synthesis, HMAS 2000, Hitlon Head Island, SC, June 2000. pdf, ps, ps.gz.

I don't know which one is the lungs one--I think the top. I could find out.
Yeah, according to abstract, it tracks the growth of nodules, which can be cancer, tumours, etc. using CT scans, which is unrelated to my research really but interesting nonetheless.