Supar rock kick sample

Morgan C

Apr 23, 2008
Sydney, Australia
Right, so I tried the Bendeth kick-tunnel method. Although I didn't really have a heavy blanket or anything lying around so I used some super thin thingy which probably did nothing. Plus the ground was garage. Probably not the best.. but

These are kinda roomy cos the ground was concrete, but they're pretty punchy. Add some 50hz, compress a few dB (these are raw) and its really punchy and tight but not clicky. A bit like Emery's latest album.

Enjoy. Tunnel Back Quick Mix.mp3 (Sample, really quick and my ears are absolutely fucked today. Also this was live, so lots of bleed n stuff, not 100% accurate).
Sounds very nice. By kick tunnels do you mean putting multiple bass drums together? If so, how many did you use?
Sounds very nice. By kick tunnels do you mean putting multiple bass drums together? If so, how many did you use?

No, just a blanket tunnel, kick mic about 1/2 a metre away from the kick. Meant to be done with a (few) thick blankets, but I didn't. I will definitely try that next time though, as I really like the sound of this but it is quite roomy because I didn't deaden it enough.
Only me who is noticing that oscillating thing in the background(Sounds like the floor tom.)? :lol:
Still a great sample though! ;)

Yeah, that's probably my floor tom. As I said, I didn't really isolate the kick very much. Although I really like how this turned out, so I'll try and get some thick blankets and do this with some more isolation so less room and other drums bleeding in.