SUPER technical song. Huge breakdown. RATE IT

Dude nice I would rock this if it had the right vocals over it. Overall it's much better than the last couple of mixes you posted.

My only comments are on personal taste so take them or leave them;
I like trashy chinas and yours is a bit too dark for me so I would use a diff one or put a high shelf on it of about 3-6db around 3-5k and beyond to brighten it up.

And the toms would sound better with a little more room on 'em. Maybe even some low end enhancement too.

Other than those two personal opinions, I actually diggit.
Sick shit. Deff techy. I agree with Tommy pretty much. All personal taste. The guitars sound a little muffly as well, to me at least. Some like it like that.
Dude nice I would rock this if it had the right vocals over it. Overall it's much better than the last couple of mixes you posted.

My only comments are on personal taste so take them or leave them;
I like trashy chinas and yours is a bit too dark for me so I would use a diff one or put a high shelf on it of about 3-6db around 3-5k and beyond to brighten it up.

And the toms would sound better with a little more room on 'em. Maybe even some low end enhancement too.

Other than those two personal opinions, I actually diggit.
I agree with the toms 100% i however love how there isnt toooo much sustain on it.. i really appreciate the feedback!

Sick shit. Deff techy. I agree with Tommy pretty much. All personal taste. The guitars sound a little muffly as well, to me at least. Some like it like that.

Guitars were something i was wondering about ... i may try to brighten them ever so slightly however i feel that as is they are pretty good..

thanks so much for that feedback !!
How did you pan the cymbals? and the drums sound clearly programmed, maybe different samples? and turn the guitars up, as well as the bass. the bass is lacking some serious low end. The china also sounds like its panned dead center
How did you pan the cymbals? and the drums sound clearly programmed, maybe different samples? and turn the guitars up, as well as the bass. the bass is lacking some serious low end. The china also sounds like its panned dead center

I thought the drums sounded pretty good.
but um cymbals are just a little left and little right. china i thought i panned like R75 but maybe i didnt, ill go back...
i plan on turning the main guitars up. i think the bass is at a good spot as of now though.

Thanks for the feedback dude :D
dude the sweeps are killing me. they sound wicked. great job. that breakdown is gnarly too. i would pan the china to either side, but that is personal preference bro.
dude the sweeps are killing me. they sound wicked. great job. that breakdown is gnarly too. i would pan the china to either side, but that is personal preference bro.

Dude thanks a tone! i agree about the china ! and next comes vocals.
(I thought I already posted input on this? hmm...)

Anyway. I wouldn't necessarily call this song "technical" other than the leads.
But yea. Cool song dude. I would definitely work on those cymbals though. Sounds super programmed. Guitar tone could use a bit more beef in it too. And I also agree the guitar sounds way too robotic. Like you recorded 1 or 2 notes a time and copied and pasted a bunch (even on the rhythms). Ease up a bit on it
I agree with everyone else but I would also suggest to ease up on the editing quite a bit. Even for a genre that is supposed to be pretty tightly edited, this sounds a little too tight. The sweeps sound like a MIDI file. The idea is really good though.

(I thought I already posted input on this? hmm...)

Anyway. I wouldn't necessarily call this song "technical" other than the leads.
But yea. Cool song dude. I would definitely work on those cymbals though. Sounds super programmed. Guitar tone could use a bit more beef in it too. And I also agree the guitar sounds way too robotic. Like you recorded 1 or 2 notes a time and copied and pasted a bunch (even on the rhythms). Ease up a bit on it

DEAL! im gonna work on the cymbas a tad.. maybe even turn them down some..

Ill edit less of the guitars and give them more natural feel i agree with you guys!!! i think i may try and reamp with a 6505!

Thanks so much for the feedback!