Supergroup episode 2

Watched it last night.. I am liking this show more than I thought.. I still think it is cheesy and does nothing for their careers. If anything it takes away from the credibility of their actual bands... Not that any of them actually have much anyway, besides maybe Anthrax...

The scenes with Scott and Ted were pretty damn funny with the "Best Friends" theme in the background...

Ted is a tool.... never been a fan and he is just way to full of himself.

I never knew that Doc had alot to do with Sebastian getting kicked out of Skid Row.. That is a hairband that I wouldn't mind seeing reunite.. Sebastian is still a poser though...

I never knew Bonham was in Foreigner.. Terrible.......

The song they are writing was actually stuck in my head after watching..
Its alright so far. Bonham and Scott still seam to be the most down to earth. Ted comes off like an arrogant jerk off, Bach is stuck in the 80's 90's (he could use a new look) And Ian cant sing worth a fuck but is a good composer. That and look at who he gets to fuck.
I'm really hooked on this show now. I've always kinda liked all those guys except for Jason whom I know next to nothing about.
Doc seems like a total douchebag. If those image consultants and the beat box guy really were his idea he needs taken out of the gene pool.
KY_Fried442 said:
Doc seems like a total douchebag. If those image consultants and the beat box guy really were his idea he needs taken out of the gene pool.

I can't really see that stuff being his idea.. Guarantee that lame shit came from the shows producers just to try and make things more interesting. Who knows though...
I would LOVE to see them all dressed the way the fashion chick planned.
"Like rock stars from the future. Think Van Helsing."
They cut the shot of me giving that chick the finger when she said I looked like I was in SOAD. Not that there's anything wrong with System, I'm just protective over my beard. She was actually cool. Everyone turned out to be cool. They were all just thrown at us by the producers. Like christians to the lions. All we wanted to do was jam.
Hey I can sing! I'm singing Kiss & Priest acoustic at the House Of Blues this Wednesday.
The post shows are kinda cool b/c "they" start getting ahead of themselves into episodes they haven't shown yet. What's up with the song at the end w. I don't know what on vox?
Would any of the CDC members be up for Supergroup chats on Sundays?

I think I would actually watch a show about five musicians getting together trying to think of a band name. I think Damnocracy is a swerve and the name will be changed. Here are my picks:

- Jewpergroup
- The JewNuge Experiment
- Bazhole
bcuz of Supergroup i am brand new fan of Anthrax!! and have to admit i do have my first "star" crush on Scott.... ;)