Superior Drummer 2.0 Help


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Apr 27, 2014
Forresters Beach, Australia
I have been a long time user of Steven Slate Drums and have recently purchased Superior Drummer for a change. When i load up a kit and click a part (e.g snare) the sound is at full velocity and sounds great, i am clicking my velocities in at 110-115 but they don't have the same punch/smack as clicking the kit in SD. What velocities do you use, am i overlooking/missing something?

Would very much appreciate the help from all the SD wizards here
Yeah I thought so, so what would be the good number to set velocities? Would it be just whatever the track requires? Coming from SSD 4.0 I would just set everything around 100-115 and adjust for fills/swells etc. Seems like there is a bigger difference is sound with velocities in SD 2.0
Toontrack definitely seems to have more expressive range with the dynamics than SSD. For Metal I like to keep everything around 116-121 with anything higher being for rimshots, super hard hits, etc. Obviously for fills, blast beats and things of that nature the number is lower.
My personal preference
Hard hits: 125 and up
Fills and blasts: 110-120
Everything below for more expressive and dynamic playing (i.e. ghost notes, softer parts of a song)

The great part about toontrack is they include a ton of multisamples so despite the velocity the hits vary giving it a more organic sound. If you feel the hits are too soft the best way is to reinforce them with other samples like you would with a real drummer situation. I find Slate drums to be more geared toward sample reinforcement as I'm sure you've discovered