n00b Superior Drummer 2.0 question

It only comes with the one kit with a couple different drums and cymbals for each position. Everything but the kick, IMO, sounds great for metal. The kicks are a little annoying though.. if you have Superior 1 you can use that kick instead.
Yeah, I have NEVER heard a kick from S2.0 that was better than "eh..." - but that's why APTrigga is awesome! :)
Yeah, pretty much what the others said. Just replace the kick with one of the awesome samples that are constantly being posted on this forum and you're done. I think drum libraries usually try to provide kicks for rock and hard rock music (except DFHS 1.0 and Slate).
Would I be able to use Superior to just load another kick (such as the ones posted on here) or would I have to use another plugin?

If I need another plugin, then what would be the easiest option as I'm a n00b?