Superior Drummer Question

Feb 15, 2014
So I have heard people tune their kicks to the guitars lowest string to get that nice chug sound so I am curious how I can do this with the pitchshifting nob that superior has.
I don't really understand it tbh. A tiny push changes it by a lot.

I am playing in drop A for this specific song just to test out a mix with a lot of chugs and all of that. Trying to get my kick to sound good.

will pitch shifting the kick help? I tried to check a few tuners and it said the kick was around 81 freqz I don't know what drop A is tbh but I think 81 is E
I am a noob though
I think this is an engineering thing where people tune a real kick drum or change heads/reso's for a certain song.

If the Superior kick is around 82hz which is E that's alright because its a 5th above A. For real drums tuning in 5ths or 3rds from the root is common alternative if you have to change by like a 6th or 7th just to reach the right root octave which is ridiculous haha.

Just tried putting the superior kick down by a 5th sounds hilarious.

Grab yourself the Metal Machine pack I know the small kick is around 60hz and rest at 50hz which is more appropriate for metal.
it could be cool but its not anything that would be a mind opener. all it would be is a little bit of flavor. try it, if it sucks take it off. use your ears.