Superior Drummer and Drumagog


New Metal Member
Apr 16, 2007
Hey, this shouldn't be too hard but I'm having difficulty with using Superior Drummer 2.0 and Drumagog at the same time to use my own kick and snare. Also I'm using Cubase 4. I've tried it a few ways...

First I used a GM Drum Map and I added two audio tracks with drumagog with the proper midi settings. I changed the output of the kick and snare on the drum map to the proper audio tracks and everything worked... until I exited Cubase and opened the project again. For some reason both the outputs were set to the kick track and I had no snare. I can change it but it doesn't make sense why the outputs change like that and I shouldn't have to switch the outputs everytime I open the program. Oh and this was using Superior Drummer as a output on an instrument track.

Second I tried using the outputs of Superior Drummer (using Superior Drummer as a VST instrument, the F11 panel) and putting Drumagog on the inserts of output 2 for the kick and output 3 for the snare. It works but the 23 milliseconds of delay on drumagog is just enough to sound out of time. The output tracks on Superior drummer don't have a way to move the track and adjust the latency, at least nothing that I'm able to see at the moment.

I know this can be done, I've got to be doing something stupid but I can't see what yet! Thanks for the help!
Go to your options in drumagog, lower the latency of the plugin until its as low as possible. If that sucks too, then try the next option

Or... bounce the drumagog track to file (make sure you look in the drumagog options to see what the latency is).
Add the new bounced track to your project. Then shift back the bounced track by 23 milliseconds (if thats what the latency was: 23 ms)