

Feb 11, 2002
New York
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Holy shit, I just watched Superior's performance on the PP DVD, and was just reminded of how great they were. What do you guys think about having them come back to play? I think Ultima Ratio was a great album and would definitely love to see them in a 60 minute slot next year. I'm sure Glenn has so many mid card options at this point that they may be out of the question, but I think they did a great job when they played. "Why" is one of the best prog metal songs ever imo; the version with Andre Matos is phenomenal!
nightwish58 said:
Holy shit, I just watched Superior's performance on the PP DVD, and was just reminded of how great they were. What do you guys think about having them come back to play? I think Ultima Ratio was a great album and would definitely love to see them in a 60 minute slot next year. I'm sure Glenn has so many mid card options at this point that they may be out of the question, but I think they did a great job when they played. "Why" is one of the best prog metal songs ever imo; the version with Andre Matos is phenomenal!
Sure, I'd like to see them come back sometime soon. It would be nice if they would put out a follow up studio cd to Ultima Ratio. I could use some new Superior music.

As for the Superior video on the dvd I think it's perhaps the best performance. Michael Tangermann can really sing, and is quite the highlight of that vid.

We missed the first two PP's, so I too would love to see Superior come back. Ultima Ratio is a good album, although it is somewhat disappointing they haven't released any new material since then. Maybe whenever their next studio album comes out Glen can have them back.
The "salsa" version of "Why" :D

Count me in for wanting to see Superior back....or for that matter, wanting some new material from them. Too much talent in that band to lie fallow for long.

And yeah, "Why?" is one of the best prog-metal songs ever.....for me, it set the standard back in the early 90's for prog-metal, along with Symphony X and Dream Theater.
sorry to bump, but I fig it's the best place to stick this vs making a new thread. A while back someone on the Progressive Ears forum mentioned a new Superior album..maybe this year.

So I went over to their site and read the news:

We are alive! (25.06.2005)
Hey! I haven't posted here since quite a very long time. But Superior is still alive and we are finally on the way to the next album. We have been wading through a lot of personal and business things during the past few months and we had to clear up things first. I don't want to bother you with details here but there have been quite a few annoying things. But we are still alive and we are doing our best to go on with the works at our next album "New world order". To give you a bit more information: The music will be VERY heavy this time. Maybe even more heavy than it was on our previous albums. We have a lot of stories to tell and I think we have found quite a few cool themes for the songs. The lyrics will be a bit more "lyric" this time. I can't tell you more about that but you will know what I mean when you read them. :) The style of music will again be a mix of all of our 3 albums. Maybe a bit into the direction of Ultima Ratio but with a kick into more heavy music. Well, that's quite all from me for now. I will try to post more things here soon as the things develop. Also we thought about posting a few demos here too. Not sure yet when and if we will do that. Let's see. Keep rockin'! Bernd

sounds pretty intriguing..if in fact it coems out this year or whenever it does :)

I would love to see this band...didn't jump on the PPUSA train until #3...(sigh)...such a shame...

Rock on!
nightwish58 said:
Behind is one of the greatest prog metal albums ever, and I don't understand why the band has not been included in the returning band poll. WTF:erk:

Relax. This is Zod's personal thing as he explained. It does not reflect on what I think of Superior.
Harvester said:
Relax. This is Zod's personal thing as he explained. It does not reflect on what I think of Superior.
And ironically, I totally dig Superior more than a number of bands I included in the poll. However, I was trying to base it on who I perceived were the favorites of the forum and not my own personal tastes.

nightwish58 said:
, but I think they did a great job when they played. "Why" is one of the best prog metal songs ever imo;

Yes yes yes yes yes.... and uhh... oh yeah....


SUPERIOR in '07 :headbang:
General Zod said:
And ironically, I totally dig Superior more than a number of bands I included in the poll. However, I was trying to base it on who I perceived were the favorites of the forum and not my own personal tastes.


You're such a failure Zod ;)
Glenn, I can't relax...:kickass: I have a very stressful job and this is my outlet. I thank you for giving me such a great 3 day escape from the daily grind. When I don't see one of my favorite bands included on a poll of 20 other bands, I lose it! (I hear ya Zod- it was based on who you perceived as favorites amongst the board).

With that said, it is nice to know that you enjoy their music very much and would consider them returning for a future PP.

This year, the band for me is Vision Divine!!!! I can't fucking wait!!!!!:headbang:
nightwish58 said:
This year, the band for me is Vision Divine!!!! I can't fucking wait!!!!!:headbang:

HELL yeah man - didn't know them previous to the announcement but I can't stop spinning Perfect Machine and Stream of Consciousness......

Speaking of Superior, Bernd just recently sent this update out:


Well, again it has been quite a looong time since there have been news from our band. But now I have quite a lot to tell you. :)

We had to take a longer break again because of very big problems in our families. Some of us have been going through very hard times and they were even about to loose parts of the family. I don't want to spread intimate details here though. But you can believe me, it wasn't so easy. So we decided to wait until things are being solved again. It all got better in Spring this year and this was also the point of time for us to decide about the new album. And now, it's all set up and ready for action.

We will start to arrange the songs in August and September, the recordings will take place from October until the end of the year. And by the end of March we want to have it all done and ready for the release.

The album will be called -New World Order- and I can tell you that this one will be very dark and heavy. We already have quite a lot of ideas and some of them are recorded already too. The songs which have been announced in one of the last newsletters have been modified and changed quite a lot. All the things we had to go through changed our music too. So be prepared to get a kicking album from Superior again.

Even better news: We also have a label which is highly interested in releasing the album. They would like to go for a world wide release. We will get their contracts quite soon and if everything is ok with that, we will sign them and then we will have a good distribution again. I will tell you more on this topic as soon as we are a signed band.

Ok, I guess that's it for now. I will keep you updated more often from now on. Things develop around the band again and we are all quite excited about this!



Sounds like the next album will be very personal; needless to say, I am eagerly anticipating the new material!