Surprise gig in Helsinki - Antti Wirman fills in


~Kissing The Shadows~
Apr 9, 2010

Check out this post from Soundi!
It seems like COB had a surprise gig at nosturi where Antti filled in replacing Roope.
There's also an article (only in finnish) saying that he will remain in the band for at least all the summer dates! Or at least I think it says so! :D
Anti-climax. I was thinking they couldn't possibly be thinking about Janne's brother filling in, could they... apparently it's happening. Too weird, very in-bred. Well, as long as the new album is good. The green and blue album didn't suffer from having easier rhythms, so I don't worry the playing skill that much.

I just have to ask, is Antti a true Bodom lover?

He looks very down to earth and they said he played well, so... it was clever to pull a surprise gig, the mental tension would be too much going straight to a big venue. As long as he has a heart for intense metal and is a skilled player I don't care.
I wonder if they played any new material and if there is a recording out there

edit: Never mind there is a setlist in the pictures
No, they said they never gonna do that mistake again, since playing In Your Face in 2005. They played Sixpounder, In Your Face, Angels, Hate Me, HCDR, Downfall - the ones they play every gig.
No, they said they never gonna do that mistake again, since playing In Your Face in 2005. They played Sixpounder, In Your Face, Angels, Hate Me, HCDR, Downfall - the ones they play every gig.

why was it a mistake? Everyone losing their shit because it sounded so different?
Because presenting a new song for the first time on a live concert means someone's gonna rip in and send it to youtube and everyone will hear a crappy version of it so the virgin experience will be much more lame than it would on proper quality.