Survey for an audio engineering student - REAMPING


New Metal Member
Sep 17, 2012
Hi there, I'm a student at SAE Institute Dubai, finishing off my audio engineering course and my last module requires me to do some surveys regarding my project on reamping.

It would be great if you can listen to a few tracks and answer a short survey, 9 questions. The answers are multiple choice.

I'm getting the surveys done from 2 sections, the average listener and people actually working and running studios, the pros. :D The reason I'm doing 2 is for the sake of the college requirements, so I get separate statistics from the 2 sections. The questions are the same.

The link to the 4 tracks are here below on my Soundcloud (shitty quality):-

Youtube links below (better quality):

Version 1:
Version 2:
Version 3:
Version 4:

So I've included the 2 survey links below, one for folks who don't have running studios and for one that do. So kindly click the one that's appropriate for you.

Regular survey:


I would gladly appreciate it if you could help me out. Looking forward to your responses. I saw something similar a week back here, some other student needed help. That gave me the push to post a thread here. Weird maybe but it's my first post on a forum in 6 years. And it would also be great, if you'll can critique the mixes too. :D

Sandeep Sequeira.
Just want to update this thread, for all the people who were kind enough to take the time to do the survey. I've included a few details for anyone who is interested, I owe you all that much. I've taken this directly out of my report, so it might seem formal.

1) Version 1- Real amplifier and real cabinet
2) Version 2- Real amplifier and virtual cabinet
3) Version 3- Virtual amplifier and real cabinet
4) Version 4- Virtual amplifier and virtual cabinet

Real amplifier (Bugera 6262)
Real cabinet (Mesa Boogie 4x12)
Virtual amp (Peavey Revalver Peavey 6505)
Virtual cab (Recabinet's Overdose cab which is the Mesa Boogie emulation)

Looking at the overall results, the majority of the respondents are avid listeners of music and the majority of them are rock and metal music listeners, which is perfect for the surveys goal. A majority accept hardware and software processing in guitar recordings separately and not in combination. A majority feels that the tones are similar, which fulfills the projects goals.

Surprisingly, Version 2 & Version 3 received the most votes. Surprising, because the majority of the respondents did not choose hardware and software in combination for guitar tones, and Version 2 and Version 3 are hardware and software combinations. Version 1 was not far behind on the votes; it was the most favorite among the professionals and least preferred by the regular listeners. However, Version 4 was the least preferred overall, but surprisingly second amongst the professional respondents.

Overall, 70% of the respondents agreed that guitar amplifier and guitar cabinet plug ins could be as good as the real thing. It was great to see Version 2 & 3 receive the highest votes, and one can say it proves electric guitar tones combined with real guitar hardware and emulate guitar software can be as good as real guitar tones and emulated virtual tones on their own.

Thanks once again to every one who participated!
