Survey for audio engineering student- Reamping


New Metal Member
Sep 17, 2012
First off, I'm not sure where to post this or whether I'm allowed to post this here. So if I'm wrong, kindly direct me.

Anyways, I'm a student at SAE Institute Dubai, finishing off my audio engineering course and my last module requires me to do some surveys regarding my project on reamping.

It would be great if you can listen to a few tracks and answer a short survey, 9 questions. The answers are multiple choice.

I'm getting the surveys done from 2 sections, the average listener and people actually working and running studios, the pros. :D The reason I'm doing 2 is for the sake of the college requirements, so I get separate statistics from the 2 sections. The questions are the same.

The link to the 4 tracks are here below on my Soundcloud (shitty quality):-

Youtube links below (better quality):

Version 1:
Version 2:
Version 3:
Version 4:

So I've included the 2 survey links below, one for folks who don't have running studios and for one that do. So kindly click the one that's appropriate for you.

Regular survey:


I would gladly appreciate it if you could help me out. Looking forward to your responses. I saw something similar a week back here, some other student needed help. That gave me the push to post a thread here. Weird maybe but it's my first post on a forum in 6 years. And it would also be great, if you'll can critique the mixes too. :D

Sandeep Sequeira.
I don't have my headphones with me at the moment, but listening to it on my laptop speakers it sounds pretty legit. parts of the solo remind me of The Faceless x)