SUSPERIA finish writing new material


there are no words left
Aug 30, 2001
Oslo, Norway
Susperia have finished writing the material for their next studio album, and will now start rehearsing and arrange the songs. The band went to “Memnock's (bassist) cabin deep inside the woods” to write these songs, reports the official Susperia site.

“The material will corrode your skin and blow your guts out your ears!! :)” States Athera on the official Susperia forum.

The band was originally going to tour around Europe between the 3rd and the 19th of October, in support of Borknagar. But all bands on the tour had to cancel due to the buscompany heightening their prizes.

The band will do a gig in Trondheim, Norway, on Saturday the third of November, headlining the Halloween Festival. Additional bands, horror movies, metal DJ’s and a big party can be expected.

Official Susperia websie: