Suspyre Guitarist, Rich Skibinsky, Leaves Band

Suspyre are one of my favorite bands, easily! In my post of top cd's of 2008 they dominate it. However, I hope they find a suitable replacement because I would hate to see this band get the dreaded "Spinal Tap syndrome"......good luck guys!
I apologize to Suspyre for my original "personal attack" reply to this post, it was uncalled for. Suspyre is a kick ass band, PERIOD!
Really sad to hear this; Suspyre has easily become one of my favorite bands lately. I'm hoping the loss of one of their founding members won't change their great music too much in the future. :(
:cry:I am very sorry to hear about this. I hope you guys are able to find a suitable replacment soon. You guys are all very cool and wish the best for you all. Chris Salinas