SW and Pain Of Salvation


Mr. Bassman
Apr 19, 2008

We have been asked to open for Pain Of Salvation on their gig at "The Cave" in Stockholm (Sundbyberg) on November 14th.

From what we have been told it will be some kind of release-party thing for PoS and we will be there to warm up the crowd for the massive main act.

Join us if you can!
Guys n' gals! -Sad news... :-/

I hate to do this to you but I just five minutes ago found out that the PoS gig fell through. Apparently their record label had some additional say in this and we didn't fit in with the new idea for the night. My sincere appologies to everyone for getting your hopes up. I can assure you that we are all as bummed out as you are.

Again -sorry for this!
//AndreasB & SW

-good thing noone bothered enough to comment on it in the first place... ;-)
Well, that is indeed sad news.

"......we didn't fit in with the new idea for that night". Eh, yeah....right.
I know how this went though; "maybe it's not so clever to get SW opening the night since they make better music than our main act. We have to make up some story about not fitting in.....I'm sure they'll buy that shit."
Yep, that's how it went! :p

On a side note, SEE YOU GUYS IN 5 DAYS!!:headbang::headbang:
I'm really looking forward to next saturday!
What about going down to Malmö and play there instead?! =)
I saw you in Sweden Rock and thats one of the best concert ever!
I want more!!
Well, that is indeed sad news.

"......we didn't fit in with the new idea for that night". Eh, yeah....right.
I know how this went though; "maybe it's not so clever to get SW opening the night since they make better music than our main act. We have to make up some story about not fitting in.....I'm sure they'll buy that shit."
Yep, that's how it went! :p

This is reaks of NO CLASS and to see that it was later supported by a Seventh Wonder band member speaks volumes about this band....
@Liquid Tension

Ai-ai, someone's a little grumpy....
Of course, that's not exactly how it went.
Read the post again and look at the last line of that specific part. It's clear that you have no idea how to interpretate that smiley and the tone of the rest of the post.

.....it was later supported by a Seventh Wonder band member speaks volumes about this band...
Well, I think it is your reaction here that lacks all class.
First, you didn't understand the post at all and now you're insulting the band as well. I'm pretty sure Andreas got the tone of the post and could laugh a little about it, hence his reaction.
I guess, you being so disrespectful speaks volumes about you...
I'm going to this show, and all I can say is the "new idea for the night" better be something pretty fucking spectacular, because Seventh Wonder is one of my favorite bands and I'm seriously bummed that I won't get to see you live. Oh well, hopefully in the future.