SW on Sweden Rock - how was it?


May 14, 2007
Hey guys,

so....how was it?
You kicked ass, didn't you....:headbang:.! I know you did!!

I hope you had an awesome time on stage (and the time before and after the show......I know you guys wanted to see some other bands as well).
Must have been pretty exciting to play for such a large crowd!

What songs were played? I'm curious about the choice of songs you picked.

Did anyone from our beloved forum go - and how was it for you?

It was fucking amazing! One of the best act on the whole festival!
But they just get 1H on the stage :(. But was lucky to catch a drumstick :):).
And they also played Hide N Seek one of my favourite song.

( Tack för showen grabbar! Mycket bra låtval, scenframträdande.. Va fan, Allt var ju helt jävla underbart! Hoppas man får möjlighet att se er spela någon mer gång, hade gärnat velat sett er spelat minst 1timma till. )
I went to sweden rock mainly to see sw and it was totally worth it,not only were they stunning live but so friendly and generous with their time,these guys really deserve some great success,ill be seeing them again as soon as i can.

Yep, SW did a one hell-of-a-show! Band was on fire, and so was audience. At first it looked like no-one are going to be there cause ZZ TOP played at same time, but Gibson stage was full, I guess (I was in second row, so I didin know for sure). Anyway, audience did lots of lound sing-alongs, and they yelled for the band between the songs. I mean, normally only Iron Maiden gets that kind of response.:headbang:

Rock on, looking forward to Finland minitour! :)
Yes, fanstastic show guys! And you seem to be so cool too. You don't meet that many bands out in the field between stages, thanks guys for a great festival memory :). I also got most of you guys' autographs at the concert, unfortunatly I didn't have a pen when I met Johan :( And the pen I had when you other guys signed sucked! But that was funny somehow...
Here is something from youtube :)

Forgot something…

A colleaugue of mine is friends with Collin Leijenaar, the live-drummer from Neal Morse. They were at Sweden Rock as well. My colleaugue knows how much I love Seventh Wonder and that I'm already psyched for the ProgPower-show in Baarlo (btw, he’s into prog as well, so we talk quit often about the music we love) so he had asked Collin what he thought of the show from SW.

Well, this was his response......
“They were even better than on the album and the energy-level was enormous. I enjoyed it immensely”.

Now, that's a pretty nice comment, isn't it?!!!......:headbang::kickass::headbang:
Yeah, that was pretty cool!

I was on the front row during their show and loved it. I said hi to Colin backstage but I can't say I "met" him really. He did seem to be the nicest guy you could find though.

I'm just surprised he bothered to see some Swedish new-comers but that was really cool to hear! :danceboy:
SAY IT LOUD!! that was unforgettable, Gibson stage was packed and so many people singing along. we were 1st row and there was a infinite chaos, among jumps scream and complete happiness. Bad luck it was only 1 hour but it was AWESOME! great audience, great show...somebody stole my wallet in the middle of the crowd (any italian??), but it was another fantastic and unforgettable day for me!! THANKS AGAIN GUYS YOU'RE FANTASTIC!!
Long live to Sweden Rock

p.s. we'll post some great photos later on!
What can I add?
The guys were loaded like guns before the beginning of the show. I was quite worried for the fact that at the same time ZZ Top and Bullet were playing on different stages but when I reached the Gibson tent I immediately realized that my fears were totally wrong. There were many people before the beginning and when the music started, :hotjump: HOLY SHIT! The first lines were jumping and shouting and singing all the verses of the songs.
May I be a little bit desecrating :Smokedev: ? Much more fun @ the gibson on thursday for SW than @ the main stage on saturday (ehm .... during Dream Theater).
Tommy was running everywhere, smiling and singing as I never heard him. Andreas was playing with his 6 strings tool, as a perfect metal soldier. Johan was a little more calm, at the right side of the stage. Kyrt did a perfect job, as usual. Johnny ... Johhny is the craziest man in the world! He was bombastic!

I attach some shots of the Event. Don't know if these are the best ones but I only have 5 minutes now to check among the tons of pics I took @ SRF. I hope you enjoy :cool:





By the way ...
At the end of the show there was a fish of the abyss on stage.
I tried to search in wikipedia in order to check the race or the breed of the fish, but unfortunately I was not able to find any answer ....

Could someone help me after watching at the pic?


Is it dangerous? Does it bite?
OMG ... I was so scared ....

SW, did you get any good spot at Dream Theater? You never met any of the guys back stage?