"Swampsong" Song Survivor - Round 6

Vote for your LEAST FAVORITE track!

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Doubtful About It all is a great song, but the other are better. Tordah must stay, that's my favo!
Hard choice, but I gotta go with Doubtful as well.

The Next round is gonna suck. Choosing the worst of those three won't be even remotely easy.
doubtful about it all. So guys ive been thinking..If they show The Groan Of Wind video on mtv2 headbangers ball Kalmah is going to explode. everyone should go to mtv2.com and write to them now. So they can tour the fucking US!!
Yeah but then we would get loads of fanbois on the forum going OMG I love teh gr1m waltz come to meh meh and do you have asny other albums cuz i only heard teh latest one!!1!
xshadowsoulsx said:

and dont forget about the countless number of threads asking what kalmah means and how to pronounce it

haha I know it, but I'd LOVE for Kalmah to explode! I know if us bitch Americans could just see some real metal on our bitch tv stations Kalmah would be huge. I think they deserve it.
every good band with talent has a dark time, and a light time. If metal noobs say "omg dimmu borgir its so gay bla bla because they are comercial" wtf man?
And in this fucking "r&b" world we are, being a death metal band and being famous among other bands, its a great acomplishment! Even "Aborted" passes on mtv dudes. Do you think they are gay just becaus they are "comercial"? Lol Music its good wheter its famous or not. Most Metal bands are not famous because most people dont like metal, but we do like, and if its comercial or not i dont give a fuck. i hate people with preconcepts
Looks like Doubtful's time is up:( Oh well, i will avenge it by finally getting rid of Tordah which i've been trying to do for the past 2 rounds!