
The Prophet

Land Pirate
Aug 5, 2003
my japanese import of Swampsong just came in today. :D it totally kicks ass. i had to pay more than double the price of the north american one, but it was worth it. Suodeth kicks major ass! anybody else have the japanese version?
u payed double for one song that you can just download for free and put on to a burned cd with the rest of the songs?

im all for supporting your fav artists and stuff, but is $15 extra really worth it for one extra song?
as kalmah fans u should support the guy.. and what u shouldnt do is act like a complete asses and say shit like what kind a loser he is for paying double price for one song and what u would do instead.

anyway, thats what i think.
and lol, u posting shit like download the song for free and burn it? in this fuckin forum? i wonder what would the band think about this.
well unless kalmah wants to give me $30 to buy a cd with ONE extra song on it, i think ill keep my money seeing as how im a teenager still in school with no job.

and when did music stop being about playing to play?

everything is about money these days.
I never called him a loser, I'm just saying that if I can go to the store and get Swampsong for $24.99 I'm not going to pay $44.99 for the copy of Swampsong sitting beside it with that extra song. Unless that song is the fucking best song in the world, I won't pay $20 for it.
xMetal_RockerX said:
well unless kalmah wants to give me $30 to buy a cd with ONE extra song on it, i think ill keep my money seeing as how im a teenager still in school with no job.

and when did music stop being about playing to play?

everything is about money these days.

its not about the money, its about the respect of the band. when youre downloading and burning songs to cds its just like a stealing from them. u get something that cost money for free.:Smug:
OH YA! wel...l i just got all three kalmah cd's from the the end records:hotjump: :hotjump: