Swano interview


Feb 7, 2002
Suburban Chicago, USA
Good god, that was probably the best interview I've ever read. Who knew the drummer from Bloodbath was so interesting?

And it was especially impressive because I figured after the previous enormous interviews, I already knew everything there was to know about the guy, and I'd kinda been losing interest anyway. But reading this just sent me on a whole new trip of Swano fanboy-ism. I remember a couple years ago when he went off the deep end and posted that thing at his site about never doing "metal" again and all that nonsense; I figured that was the beginning of the end, but this interview combined with the excellence of "Alive Again" makes me all interested once more.

Anyway, the interview basically had everything....tons of informative stuff, hilarious stuff (shutting up the Edge of Sanity drummer by saying "Cold Lake"; "Neal Morse....gets mega-Christian and is building and ark and shit"), and even touching stuff (all of his fears about Second Sky).

Of course the best thing of all was seeing him say the exact same things about post-Morningrise Opeth that I've been saying for years, the things that very few people seem to notice or understand. And the reason that's cool is because he LIKES "Damnation". So there's hope! (new Katatonia sounds cool too)

Is he implying in the interview that he'll no longer release any Karaboudjan material? That's the feeling I get from reading one of his answers. Hopefully not - I think it's the best thing he's done in recent memory.

Originally posted by Nebularus
Is he implying in the interview that he'll no longer release any Karaboudjan material? That's the feeling I get from reading one of his answers. Hopefully not - I think it's the best thing he's done in recent memory.

One thing to remember about Swanö is that his plans constantly change.
I'm hunting around the forums for comments on this interview, I can't stress enough how great it is, go read now!