SWAT team shoots dog in front of kid(video)

Prismatic Sphere

We Carouse
Jul 18, 2002
In A Bowl Of Chili
This is truly horrifying and proves just what kind of country we are living in.

http://reason.com/blog/2010/05/05/video-of-swat-raid-on-missouriFrom Reason.com
SWAT team breaks into home, fires seven rounds at family's pit bull and corgi (?!) as a seven-year-old looks on.
They found a "small amount" of marijuana, enough for a misdemeanor charge. The parents were then charged with child endangerment.
So smoking pot = "child endangerment." Storming a home with guns, then firing bullets into the family pets as a child looks on = necessary police procedures to ensure everyone's safety.
Just so we're clear.
Now there's video, which you can watch below. It's horrifying, but I'd urge you to watch it, and to send it to the drug warriors in your life. This is the blunt-end result of all the war imagery and militaristic rhetoric politicians have been spewing for the last 30 years—cops dressed like soldiers, barreling through the front door middle of the night, slaughtering the family pets, filling the house with bullets in the presence of children, then having the audacity to charge the parents with endangering their own kid. There are 100-150 of these raids every day in America, the vast, vast majority like this one, to serve a warrant for a consensual crime.
But they did prevent Jonathan Whitworth from smoking the pot they found in his possession. So I guess this mission was a success.
I've exchanged emails with the mother of the family, who was in the home at the time of the raid. I'm waiting on her permission to publish her account of what happened.


It's footage of our government(our $) at work like this and like this:


that make me one very angry libertarian right now.

What are your guys' thoughts???
Myself I would hunt down everyone of those mother fuckers and plug them, my dogs all have been very personal to me and fortunantly this never happened. Fair is fair and I would never get over that so at that point wouldnt matter the end results for me, only making a public point. Way too much fucking with peoples familys going on in this country and way past time for citizens to step up to the ring and exchange blows.

I did have hunters make comments that they would shoot mydogs if seen chasing deer. They would get onto and trail deer, I would always be right after them so nothing ever happened cept one incidence. But all were told shoot my dogs and you made a big mistake, they were much longer and quite intense conversations that left some very pissed off douchbags. More deer die of gang green from bad gun and bow shots every year. We would find them here and there during the winters out on the trails after they finally succumbed to their wounds. The Coyotes would eventually clean them up and scatter their hide and bones around.
You are coming off as a sensationalist muckraker who is more concerned about "the children" than privacy infringement.
You are coming off as a sensationalist muckraker who is more concerned about "the children" than privacy infringement.

The large body of my original post was taken from Reason magazine. Read between the lines, literally.

My gripe is with the deliberate suspension of the 4th Amendment, due process, and probable cause. The fact that it took this video for me to post and the comments from it only proves that we all know that these abuses have been ongoing. Again, we Americans are great at bitching and critiquing; but terrible at banding together and doing something about such blatant despotism.

The problem isn't the abuse of power; it is the power to abuse.
The problem isn't the abuse of power; it is the power to abuse.

My experience has been that the problems are from both.

There has been alot of talk over the years of having "the authority" abide by the same laws, rules and regulations they impose on us, but nothing was done and everyone employed by the government is above and beyond the law... thats the written laws, jew laws... which are way out of line with the natural laws.
My experience has been that the problems are from both.

There has been alot of talk over the years of having "the authority" abide by the same laws, rules and regulations they impose on us, but nothing was done and everyone employed by the government is above and beyond the law... thats the written laws, jew laws... which are way out of line with the natural laws.


The only time that government is ever meant to use force is in the defense of individual rights. This case demonstrates anything but and is in fact the complete opposite- violating individual rights.
What was the time of this raid ?

Why did they go about it same as they do crack houses ?

Was this crack house practice ?

Did the people have any weapons in the house ?

Have the people contacted the humane society and pressed charges for cruelity to animals ?

Filed counter criminal charges as well as civil laws suits ? All they can think of. Breaking and entering, discharge of weapons, endangerment of their lives and their child, torture and killing of animals, rude abusive conduct.

There all gonna be tramatised by this for along time but especially the kid.
Worse yet come to think of it CPS probably was immeadiately put into "service" and they are most likely going round with them about being able to get their own kid back. I'd rather go up against the Taliban than CPS C.U.N.T.S

Here the beauty of lawers as well, these peoples lawyer makes this comment “We don’t feel like what happened in the home was appropriate. The priority right now for us is the misdemeanor charges.” See lawyers make gobs of money off the system, they dont want it to change. In fact lawers/jews are responsible for the increasing rate of new laws and regulations, its called job security. The priority right then in this case was placing every and any charge possible under the sun against each and every person involved with that raid, even those that were not there but authorized it.
That is why that the government AND lawyers stand to lose too much if drugs were ever legalized. Think about it, the CIA runs, guards, and brings drugs in from Afghanistan. The prices over here are automatically higher precisely because they are illegal. And they sell it all at a profit and go after low level drug dealers to show that they are "dealing with the problem". It's a good scam. I know this guy overseas who said that a lot of the marines over in Afghanistan and Iraq are having a drug(namely cocaine) free-for-all and the CIA just looks the other way.

If they ever legalized drugs here, think of the amount of business that lawyers would lose and think about what a powerful lobby they are.

But at any rate, I have never seen a more perfect and crystalline example of powerhungry chestbeating than of a sufficiently armored police agent using a gun on a domestic animal instead of simply tazing or spraying it. I mean, what the fuck?

There simply is no rational reason for it. And if people aren't both terrified and angry about this, then they are no better than any other terrorist sympathizer.
So true but I dont know about the CIA thing, thats all only speculation to me. I have always wondered why it seemed so hard to find the source of the big traffic but no problem hastleing the users.

All I noticed about the war on crime was more traffic cops harrassing everyone on their way to and from work, theres lots of money in that business too.

I think these beaurocrat types also faver the gigantic population it adds to the confusion and makes their actual daily endevors invisible. I believe they would have more accountability with say a population half the size. Then again 50% of them would be without a job as well.

I'd need some kind of drugs if I was in Afganistan spinning my wheels in a war that should have been diminished in less than two weeks.
If they ever legalized drugs here, think of the amount of business that lawyers would lose and think about what a powerful lobby they are.

Like when they lowered the legal drinking limit even further than what was previously a joke. Its well known that the people that have alcohol related accidents are complete drunks.

One of my aquantences known for muliple DWI offences said his lawyer told him "we wouldnt right laws we couldnt get you out of, it would be bad for business"... true story, one of our areas well known lawyers.

Its all a friggin game, cat and mouse, all these years of "evolution" and its still one big game.