Sweden LOL: Dude gets disability benefits for metal addiction!

Ive met him several times, really nice guy.. but seriously, he has a problem.
His wife left him because he spent all their money on records and tickets, when he had 2 kids with her.. im not joking when i say that he attends to every single festival with metal bands playing in Scandinavia.
So he basically cant live a normal life because his addiction/disorder.. personally, i think he has some form of Asperger Syndrome(I have it, and i found allot of similarities between us.).
I wish I could get away with something like this!
If it was me paying the taxes, I'd rather they went to someone like that, than to alkies and junkies.
Giving him more money to spend on tickets and breaks during the job to listen to loud metal doesn´t just encourage his behaviour?

If it is a neurological disorder(Which is very likely.), that can actually be a way to rehabilitate him.
And its not that he gets "more money", he earns ~650$ a month, and during this period of time he has to achieve certain goals in a rehabilitation plan.
If he isnt under a rehabilitation plan, he cant get disability benefits, but he would be considered "retired".

So its not that the government is paying his concert tickets and tells his boss to let him do what ever the fuck he wants, its that he get to practice working under our rules so that he one day can handle a "real job".