Sweden Rock Festival????


Nightingale and EoS fan
Jun 23, 2005
Hello you guys in Nightingale!
I just wonder if you have planes to play at Sweden rock festival next year too? That would be cool to see you there :headbang:

Haha.. I think you rather should be asking the Sweden Rock crew if they're planning on letting Nightingale come...
yeah, you´re right. Actually I was just wondering if they´ve heard anything about it, but I guess SRF 2006 is too far away this moment to know what bands that will play there....so one has to wait I think.

Yeah.. and since they're a relatively small band that sadly didn't draw that much attention the odds aren't exactly overwhelming. If only more people knew about them a SRF gig could be more of a break-through
I agree.....and I think that Nightingale "should" deserve more attention from people, I HOPE they will become more famous in future. But first I guess that "more" people just has to know about them and listen to them, IN SOME WAY, and then they will probably get a good reputation and image among people.
