Swedish Foreign Minister assasinated...


Capsicum Slave
Feb 19, 2003
The Land of TAXES [SWE]
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It is with great sadness to post that Anna Lindh was knifed down in the central part of Stockholm yesterday while on a private shopping round at NK. She died 05:29 this morning. She was one of the few politicians that people had respect for here. She had a did an awesome job and had earned the respect of many of the people down in Brussels. Hope they find the coward who did this horrible act. She left her husband Bo and two young children. EYE FOR AN EYE. :cry:
Don't belive in prayers but this shit really wieghts on the soul this morning. If you can lend it a thought...
stabbing a woman, that's a really corageous act indeed huh
that article that yetti linked is interesting... specially the fact that politicians go around without bodyguards like normal people
here in argentina they're far from being normal people; 85% of them see themselves far above normal people and think they deserve all their privileges, and they damn well better have protection because they know themselves that the entire population hates their guts, and they know very well why too... so it's really a different landscape
and even then stuff like this happens... i'm sorry to hear that :-(
It's just so frightening that these things can happen in Scandinavia too. I sincerely hope Swedish police will find the murderer soon. Terrible loss for Anna's family... :(
Tut Ankh Amon said:
well, a respectful politician isn't a good thing to lose, they're too rare these days =/

Well it's kinda weird... according to what I've lived here feels to me like in Scandinavia politicians don't suck as much as they usually do (still a lot of corruption)... but it's kind of.... something that actually looks like "democracy" :confused:
(Still suspiciuos and sceptical tho!!) And I've heard that in Canada it's more or less the same or even better???
It's been on the news here all the time, I hope they'll find the guy fast. It's not nice knowing, that there's a killer out there :ill:

Hell, this was even bigger news, than the fact, that we have a fucking cannibal here in Finland :rolleyes:
janina, hahaha, suomikannibals

the same day anna died, 40 km from my town, a man walked in to kindergarden and stabbed a 5 year old girl to death..

and my friends girlfriends friend was found now in hudiksvall, buried and murdered by her ex-boyfriend..

fuck this suck ass securitysystem and the swedish poilice derpartment.. i bet they never find the fucker, just like the palme murder