swedish oldschool deathmetal boss-hm2-evh5153

chain was ltd esp viper 407-rocktron hush-boss hm2-evh 5153 (blue channel)-torpedo live with asem recto impulse

settings on the hm 2 was
level half
lo max
high max
dist. 45%

evh settings on blue channel was
gain 3
low 5
mid 4
high 6,5

lots of post processing, mostly eq. slate vcc and vtm on the bus, c4 sneap settings to get the lows under control.
Hats off to you sir, sounds awesome mix & tonewise, and the song is pretty sick too! :headbang:

I also like how the bass compliments other elements in the mix, any info on bass setup?
Hats off to you sir, sounds awesome mix & tonewise, and the song is pretty sick too! :headbang:

I also like how the bass compliments other elements in the mix, any info on bass setup?

thanx a lot

not sure bout the chain, but i think for bass i have three tracks. one recorded with my sansamp, one di and one copy of di.on one di i put a distortion plug in (tse r47), the second has the tse808 on it. eq´d, vcc on each channel, blended together, buss compression and limiter.
Awesome tone man and the song is brutal as hell! I'm really curious to know how you EQ'd your raw guitar tracks. Would be nice if you can share. GREAT job anyway!!
Cheers man, I've read more than a few times that R47 works quite well on bass.

I've yet to try it myself, but will next time chasing bass tones!
This is the proof that you shouldn't crank the level knob on the hm-2!
At least that's what I do to get the swedish death metal tone, cranking everything sounds like shit... I guess entomed guys just wanted to spread "false settings" to get people off the track!

tried it with all knobs on max. didnt work with my evh 5153. maybe i'll try new settings with my fireball. not sure. like the tone as it is...