sweetest sound in the world


The Journalist
Apr 17, 2001
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Is the *beepbeep beepbeep* sound of a Nokia mobile phone when a message arrives...

That really makes me feel good and important to someone!

What´s your favorite sound?
It might be against the terms of service (or at least good taste) to mention mine. :lol:
Originally posted by Anssi
Is the *beepbeep beepbeep* sound of a Nokia mobile phone when a message arrives...

That really makes me feel good and important to someone!

What´s your favorite sound?

yurh! that's horrible to interupt you! Unless I see an sms by my boyfriend of course! :p
Maybe I find it quite annoying cos these days everyone remebered me!

Well my fave sound? I think some heavy metal music! :cool:
The sound of your childs voice *ahhh reminices back to when his own son was a baby boy and his first cray after he was born...a tear forms....*

that or the sound of a beer opening :lol:

sorry i couldnt handle being serious:p
Rain has a beautiful sound. And the breathing of my girlfriend. They even compare to the sound of opening beer bottle...:D
Originally posted by Hearse

Sweetest sound of all universum is, by no doub, Alarm Clocks sound on the mornings :lol:

I think that is the second sweetest. The sweetest is when your alarm clock rings after 5 or 10 minutes of snooze and you know you REALLY have to get up or that you are already late...:mad: