SxSW in Austin!!

Nov 15, 2004
We are back, just about getting used to the UK time (man that hurts!!!)

We had a great time in Austin, this town is so laid back it's unreal. The guys there were really nice and very friendly!! It was also a lot of fun to be at the SXSW, it was like an explosion of music! There were hundreds of bands playing on virtually every club of the 6th street. The buzz was awesome and the booze plenty (too plenty :) ) There is also a Metal Pizza place! It's a pizza stand and plays Metal to the max :headbang:
If in Austin go and check it out!! It's on the 6th street

I have to say the Back Room is a cracking venue, all the guys there were fantastic and extra helpful. The sound I was told was the best so far for Biomechanical and all the dudes from the bands were very cool, we chatted long and hard about cosmic matters such as pizza toppings, ribs sizes, number of pancakes consumed in 2 days and embarrassing moments in the women’s toilets, (dude no worries, I won't mention names :p )

Friday was a booze fest :loco: and we also checked a lot of bands out!! I ended up throwing Jack Daniel's promotional flashing badges in my Vodka and orange, to give my drink that 'battery acid taste' and gain that extra alien look and Jamie ended up chucking Guinness on Lee Barrett's trousers to make a certain imagery go away :tickled: I won't get in to details.

Saturday was a promo day. Again saw a lot of bands, I missed Apocalyptica (not sure the spelling is right) and stayed @ the Relapse records promo gig. I heard Cephalic Carnage, fucking hell this band was great!!! Very death metal but ultra intricate. Definitely my favourite band of the fest. I have to say though all the bands put on a great performance.

Special thanx has to go to Lee B for driving us around and taking us to great places to eat and also for putting up with Matt :) , lori and eva for all their help @ the Hotel and the dudes @ the Back Room for being so helpful with the organisation and the promotion out there.
Also thanx Ash for the Photos and for nearly blinding Jamie and Chris,-don't worry boyz, those sun reflectors will make you look gorgeus :devil:
If I forgot anybody please forgive me, I was out of it :Spin:

Check the festival out next year if you can. It's a great experience!! :headbang:

PS, will post pictures if any of them turn out to be legal :p
Matt.C said:
I deny all accusations....... :cool:

o_O o_O o_O

Hey there, Larry from Novembers Doom here, just wanted to drop a quick note to say that we had a very good time hanging out with you guys and chatting at the Relapse showcase on Saturday, and to thank you for the promos...the album is fuckin' massive, I love it! I'm glad the trip was a success for you guys, and I hope that we can hook up and hang out when we come over to the U.K. Take care, we'll be in touch!
NvmbrsDoom5 said:
Hey there, Larry from Novembers Doom here, just wanted to drop a quick note to say that we had a very good time hanging out with you guys and chatting at the Relapse showcase on Saturday, and to thank you for the promos...the album is fuckin' massive, I love it! I'm glad the trip was a success for you guys, and I hope that we can hook up and hang out when we come over to the U.K. Take care, we'll be in touch!

Hey man,

John here,

It was fun dude!! Fucking hot though @ the showcase o_O !
Glad you like the promo man and it would be coolio to get together when in the UK, just drop us a line when you are here!

Take it easy