Biomechanical @ SXSW Conference Texas


Nov 12, 2004
Got this from Lee at the Elitist Forum!

Biomechanical will be playing in Austin on the 17th March as part of the SxSW conference. The night will be entitled "Metal Hammer magazine night of British Steel" and will also feature Raging Speedhorn, Panic Cell, Viking Skull plus another band I have already forgotten about...

The venue's the Backroom. Website here:

Hope to see some of the locals amongst you there.

dead6skin6mask6 said:
WTF?! now do a US tour lol

I know that Earache are looking for Biomechanical to tour this Year! Hopefully the US will be one of the places:D
dead6skin6mask6 said:
hehehe i sure hope so! when you guys get over here, im gonna bug you guys after the gig :p

Uoaha! Bug all you want dude (or am I going to regret saying that? ;) )

Yeah man it would be sweet to play in the US, as Existenz said b4 I think Earache are keen in getting Biomechanical some gigs over there so maybe will see ya around!
Here are some details of the night.

Thursday 17th March 2005


Metal Hammer Magazine presents (2015 E Riverside Dr) (All Ages)

Zao.....................8:00 p.m....Pittsburgh PA....Metal
Panic Cell.............9:00 p.m.....Kent UK...........Metal
PDHM.................10:00 p.m.....London UK.......Metal
Biomechanical......11:00 p.m.....London UK.......Metal
Viking Skull..........12:00 a.m.....Corby UK.........Rock
Raging Speedhorn...1:00 a.m.....Corby UK........Metal
Panic Cell are the only others I could really recommend, theyre not completely my thing but theyre heavy as hell live, kind of american style metal in the vein of Pantera/Slayer/Machinehead...
Great bunch of guys too!
That would be my reaction aswell I'll be honest but they are a great bunch of guys and they give it their all, the music really is better than you'd imagine from what I'd compare it to, I just cant think of better comparisons... There one of those bands that appeal to a frustratingly wide audience...
dead6skin6mask6 said:
listening now. cool band!

I saw them play at the Camden Underworld good band. If you like Panic Cell you should also check out Head-On . They've got a pretty amusing stage act of a toaster (I think) being smashed up with a hammer on stage :) Great guys aswell.

A week to go for the SXSW Conference.I know the biomech guys are really looking forward to it and Lee B has sorted out some restaurants to seriously pig out in. I'll post pics and setlist when I'll get them.
Well Biomechanical played their US debut around 5am UK time this morning!

I'm sure they kicked some Texan Butt :)
sf said:
Have you heard how it went yet?

Sherry x

Hi Sherry,

The guys had a great time, all went well with their set and they got a really good reaction!
Here is the set list

The Empires Of The Worlds
Do you know me
The Awakening
Painkiller (Priest)
Relinquished Destiny

The boys are now going around doing the promotion bit for a few days. There will be write up of the trip and hopefully a few photos of the trip when the guys get back!

John did tell me after the set there was a guy from California he thinks he freaked out(well you would freak if you didn't know John and his sense of humor!) as he tried to grab his ass and offered him sex :lol: :lol: :lol:
dead6skin6mask6 said:
Existenz, eh? i thought you said you werent there :p

Man... Painkiller must have sounded awesome. Got a bootleg? hahaha

Unfortunately I wasn't there :confused: . John sent me an email and told me the set list and some things that happened at the gig.

I have seen them do Painkiller at the Camden Underworld in London and it was :Smokin: :headbang: :kickass: