Sybreed Production

Nuno Filipe

You talkin' to me?
Jul 1, 2009
I heard today for the first time the new album of Sybreed and I have been blown away by the production but particularly by the guitar sound. It´s so fucking amazing, so smooth, so dense. What you guys think of the production? Btw, any of you know wich amps did the use to record the album?
Here it´s a song of the album

See/hear it with HQ.

Btw, if you like Sybreed check this:
They are also very good.
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I read somewhere that Drop said he recorded 4 rhythm tracks with a PodXT and reamped two of the 4 with Amplitube for the new album.
I like all of the Sybreed mixes. My favourite album is the Slave Design. I love how the instruments sound together, its very huge.
I like that snare very much.

And any info about the guitars is appreciated :)
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Fucking love this band. I absolutely love super processed drum tones, ala Sneap and such, but I kinda preferred the old more natural drums for this band. The kick is much better now, but the snare feels kinda thin on this new album. Anyways I don't care about their production as long as it lets me enjoy the amazing music they do.
I read somewhere that Drop said he recorded 4 rhythm tracks with a PodXT and reamped two of the 4 with Amplitube for the new album.

If that is truth, so it´s the best PodXt/Amplitube sound that I have heard.:OMG:

Yes they sound pretty digital (like soundtrack to your escape)

Agree. But they play some kind of cyber/futuristic metal and that´s why it fits so well. Personally I love the tone and it´s one of the best guitar tones that I have heard in my life. But of course it fits only some kind of music. I dont see this as a good guitar tone for bands like Alice In Chains or Creed. That would suck hard balls.
Pulse of Awakening was mixed by Rhys Fulber, whereas Antares and Slave Design was mixed by the guitarist 'Drop'.
Antares owns the shit out of the new record if you ask me, both song-wise and sound-wise. Regarding the guitar tone on the new disc, I'd say Antares' tone is much better. The only reason the new album sounds "good" on the guitar is due to a heavy bass guitar tone. Well, that's my opinion atleast. But the tone has more mids on The Pulse of Awakening which is a pretty good thing... helps the tone clarity. But I somehow feel that the scooped character of Antares really fits their dark music.
The song that I posted it´s not the best to introduce the band because it´s a cover of a Killing Joke song. I didnt heard quite well the new album but it´s hard to beat Antares because the whole album kicks ass.
Antares owns the shit out of the new record if you ask me, both song-wise and sound-wise. Regarding the guitar tone on the new disc, I'd say Antares' tone is much better. The only reason the new album sounds "good" on the guitar is due to a heavy bass guitar tone. Well, that's my opinion atleast. But the tone has more mids on The Pulse of Awakening which is a pretty good thing... helps the tone clarity. But I somehow feel that the scooped character of Antares really fits their dark music.

I Agree. It´s not only the guitar tone itself but how the bass complements the guitars and that´s fucking beautiful.
man, i fucking love the production on this album! the low end THWOMP of every kick is massive, but a little too massive and is kinda distracting, but its impressive. i think it may be a little mucky/muddy in there, by my ears hear what they want to here when i listen to this album, haha! the guitars kinda go both ways, some days im like "hol fuck thats awesome", and some days i'm like "Odd tone". i like the lot of the songs, some kinda drag, but its a great album overall me thinks.