

Manically depressed robot
May 5, 2002
Wellington, NZ
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Has any other Opeth fans ever tried muting a movie and playing an Opeth album over it to see how it fits? I tried it the other night and it was awesome!

I played Morningrise over Dragon Ball Z Movie 1: The Dead Zone, as I reckon anime always works the best with sychronisation and that is all I've really got, DBZ. I started playing Morningrise just as the Panasonic logo appeared, cos I've got the video. There are so many coincidences and sychronisations that Morningrise could be the movies soundtrack, for example:

-When Chichi's father falls over Akerfeldt lets out a huge death groan, the second acoustic section of Advent starts and as Gohan is surrounded by evil guys in the forest the line "You we're beyond all help" is sung. Chichi is injured and the acoustic section makes the scene extremely emotional.

-Gohan eats the crazy fruit and has colourful visions which perfectly correspond to the long acoustic section in Advent after the "survey the slopes" bit.

-As Garlic JR summons the dragon the Night and the Silent Water starts the moment it appears

-As soon as Kami shows up NATSW's first acoustic bit starts. "Am I like them, those who mourn and turn away?" is sung as it shows Kami turning away from Garlic snr. in a flashback.

-As soon as Goku runs inside to fight the goons the acoustic part ends, and as soon as Piccolo enters NATSW's build up starts. Kami and Garlic Jnr's fight gets more violent as the drums slowly swell in heaviness. The build up section and the song end the moment Piccolo kills the first of the goons. Also, the falling rocks fall in unison with the drum beats.

-Just as Kami seems defeated he suddenly gains a lot of power and starts to glow, as he does this Nectar starts. Goku's fight with the two goons lasts exactly as long as Nectars energetic intro section, and ends when he kills both the goons.

-The distortion kicks back in when Garlic Jnr suddenly transforms into a demon. The drumming somehow fits most of the punches when Goku and Piccolo fight him.

-The acoustic section curiously fits to the fight with Garlic Jnr when they fall out of the tower, when Akerfeldt screams "smiling in the mist of the morn!" the dead zone opens and the heroes struggle to not get sucked in. The end part of Nectar with the heavy riffage makes the scene seem dreadfully evil.

-When Gohan rages out from under the rocks Black Rose Immortal starts, "in the name of desperation, I call your name" is very close to being in unison with Gohan screaming "daddy!" but it just misses *sigh*

- The music changes riffs when Garlic is sucked back into the dead zone, and as when the dust settles and sunlight shines through an acoustic bit plays followed by one of my favourite riffs at 2:16 through the song. The riff seems fitting as the victory riff and the heroes celebrate.

-Akerfelt screams out "in darkness!" when it switches to Piccolo, whos face is shrouded in darkness no less.

-As Goku and Gohan fly home across the ocean, the ocean sounds of Black Rose Immortal start, and that deep spiral riff that follows plays as the camera zooms down through through ocean to see Garlic Jnr trapped in stone.

The End.

There are many more sychronisations between Morningrise and this movie, but these are the ones which stood out. I wouldn't normally bother writing so much but this really amazed me. If you can get this movie try it out, it really is like the Dark Side of the Rainbow (but maybe slightly less astounding).

I christen it: "The Morningzone"

I'm a bit too mature to enjoy DBZ anymore, but its the only anime I could find lying round the house so I just tried it out.

(anyways, hehe, who are you to judge, with your Johnny Bravo avatar *smirk*!)
This thread reminds me of 2 stuff:

A. the chronology theory about Pink Floyd - Dark Side Of The Moon

B. In the movie Halfbaked, the enhanced smoker :)
Originally posted by Static
(anyways, hehe, who are you to judge, with your Johnny Bravo avatar *smirk*!)


I just think it's weird to put DBZ and Opeth together... It wouldn't match, IMO... I would never have the idea to listen to Opeth while watching Johnny Bravo :grin: :grin: