Melinda and the Beast


New Metal Member
May 4, 2006
Has anyone ever tried to synchronize Still Life to "The Beauty and Beast" by means of playing them together?

Amazingly, the lyrics somewhat described the events in the story as the rythm of the album followed along with the characters' movements. I began the album directly after the Disney castle logo disappeared. The opening to The Moor was the exact length of the prologue. When you see the rose, the acoustic starts. Then, the movie's title screen appears once the music transitions into a heavier scale.

During the main guitar solo of White Cluster, Belle and the Beast dance in the ballroom for the climax of the movie. When transitions occur within the songs, the scenes often follow in transition. There are many other parts I've found which synchronize, but I'll leave them to whoever wants to try this.

Also, Still Life won't last for the entire movie, so when it's finished playing, pause the movie and pop in Blackwater Park for the finale. :rock: Another thing, this is best with the movie played on a low or muted volume. The very last few minutes of the ending doesn't go to the music too well, but it's only the last few minutes.

And remember, it's probably just a coincidence, but it's still pretty entertaining. :hypno:
i'm sure that tons of movies do that for tons of albums. quite often i will be listening to music in one room, and someone will be watching stand-up comedy in the other, and 100% of the comedians words fit the music rhythmically.
How about Spastik Ink with Bambi?

That was on purpose, though. Still pretty sweet.
Honestly, I've tried the Dark Side of the Moon / Wizard of Oz and discovered many significant coincidences between the two. Still Life and Beauty and the Beast are likely to be just purely coincidental, but the 'horse shit' about the DSotM and the Wizard of Oz is quite true. If you would actually care to try it and you don't believe it, (start the album on the MGM Lion's third roar) you would find that it is very likely Roger Waters wrote the album to go with the movie.

Also, everyone I know who has watched the Dark Oz all agree that the two go together, but that's just a matter of several opinions, I suppose.
Bass is right..Dark Side of the Moon and Wizard of Oz does work
anyway ever tried that with books? ive noticed that certain records seem to go really well with books...
ive found that Katatonia Brave Yester Years seems to go well with Interview With The Vampire O_o
bassforbliss said:
Honestly, I've tried the Dark Side of the Moon / Wizard of Oz and discovered many significant coincidences between the two. Still Life and Beauty and the Beast are likely to be just purely coincidental, but the 'horse shit' about the DSotM and the Wizard of Oz is quite true. If you would actually care to try it and you don't believe it, (start the album on the MGM Lion's third roar) you would find that it is very likely Roger Waters wrote the album to go with the movie.

Also, everyone I know who has watched the Dark Oz all agree that the two go together, but that's just a matter of several opinions, I suppose.

Yea, I know all about it (even when to begin the album), but did someone discover this and WHY would they write an album around Oz? If they had done this with purpse, wouldn't it be a point of pride?! Wouldn't you tell people what you had done?! A friend of mine tried to sell this idea to me and played it along with the movie. Not impressed. Not swayed.
I've done the DSOTM OZ thing probably a hundred times. Everytime I do it, people are amazed. I don't think for a minute that Pink Floyd intended for this to happen, but it's still a nice urban myth.

It's also neat because if there was someone out there who was just crazy enough to do it and actually pull it off - it's Roger Waters.

For those who are interested in this sort of thing, check out the following website:

Oh, and keep in mind - this is all just good mindless fun.
The dance is supposed to be a romantic ballroom piece, not an energy-fueled heavy metal guitar solo. Sorry.