Sydney Big Top Gig

I haven't been to the venue but I have seen pictures of the place and read some info. It looks alright. 2950 capacity (includes 2000 seating). I hope its a good venue.
I'm broke until pay day - there had better be some tickets left when I can afford them!!
Well I'd already realised that Luna Park is a ripoff, but when I have to pay 61 fucking Australian dollars, and the Kiwis are paying $55 NZ it starts to get a bit much. However I'd pay double to see this gig, so meh.
It means I walk up to the door and say 'My name should be on your list' and they say yep and let me and a friend walk in for free.

Actually I would have paid but I'm broke and was worried about tickets selling out by the time I got my shit together, thus I contacted a mate who works in the industry.