Sydney's thrash metal band


Dec 29, 2001
For anyone who still hasn't heard Enter VI's music please visit their official homepage at where you can also download couple of MP3s.

Enter VI play old school thrash metal with modern influences in the vein of Kreator, early Metallica, Testament & Megadeth

Leave your feedback and comments in our guestbook
hi there! my name is calvin.. i am from singapore. dunno if u still remember my band deviant? we send u a copy of our compilation called myx metal assault 2 remember? i am the guitarist of the band n the guy who always correspond with u is minghui, the vocalist n guitarist. so howse everything with enter VI? any upcoming gigs? deviant havent been performing any gigs since end of last year.... the scene here is rather quiet... sigh...we have completed recording our 5 song EP already, but yet to mix n master it... i will keep u inform of anything n be sure to stay in touch ok? like wat the late chuck schuldinder says ' keep the metal faith alive!'
Hey Calvin!

Of course I remember your band I still do have that compilation you guys sent us and I do remember Ming Hui for sure. I just haven't been in touch with him lately but I do contact with him quite often. We had our last gig just couple of weeks ago. It was big charity festival called "Big God's Metal Massacre". Our next Sydney gig should be at the beginning of Jan 2003 because we are writing brand new material for our second album

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