SYL September Tour w/ Samael

Mar 30, 2003
on Earth
Howdy, anyone going?
Anyone going to see Samael for sure?
Anyone interested in writing a review for my site Radiant Star?

drop me a line, i've gathered a few people already - a journal would be cool to compose, ey?

I'll probably whip up a review. Not sure for who. All I can say is it won't be the official SYL site.

for me please! :hotjump:

have fun btw!!!
Just don't require it to be exclusive and I'll give you some odd bit in time, okay? If anyone else needs a review from the show, just let me know. The only requirement is that you not be from the official SYL site.

neh, i wont. would be nice if you have a setlist, the crowd's response and your own opinion about the whole thing like (i'm speaking in Samael terms now ;) )
I suck at discerning setlists. Reason is that I own 1600+/- CDs, 350-400 LPs, and 150+/- tapes. So, my memorization of tracklistings is weak.
kleo706 said:
I'll probably whip up a review. Not sure for who. All I can say is it won't be the official SYL site.
why ??? we want details ???

However, the HDR site is now only DTB and DT projects oriented, it's Dev solo artist site, that's why I completly re built the site with more Dev infos, pics and all that...For live reviews, no problems I'll post them on the HDR site, even if actually I work on something that should allow people to post their own reviews, same things for pics...

Well Geoff... I refuse to support Carl in any way shape or form. You of all people ought to be able to appreciate reasons for that as well as my refusal to discuss such things in an open forum.
what is this cat orgy ???:tickled:


kleo706 said:
Well Geoff... I refuse to support Carl in any way shape or form. You of all people ought to be able to appreciate reasons for that as well as my refusal to discuss such things in an open forum.
I went to the Opeth forum once. There, I was hit by all these massive signatures that served no point. So, I made one that did.

Oh and to tie this to the forum... two of the three cats featured in my sig modeled merch for HDR.

So kleo, no more cats man, I'm at work and with the fucked up proxy server we have here, images take ages to load...

However, just a question and answer me at

what happened in this special relationship you had with the SYL site staff ?
I mean, you seemed very close to this guy that makes the SYL site, I remember reading some of your lines saying that you had a bunch of stuff to puload on the SYL site, and the truth is that this site is rarely updated now...

It's always difficult to realize that there are places where feuds take virtually place. That's what happened to me on this SYL forum, I've been insulted, my wife and my kids have been insulted, I've been treated like a paria, threatened by the administrator that invited the 400 users of the SYL forum to insult me, with only one reason : he didn't like me, just because I was the HDR webmaster and because I used the HDR account to see what bullshits the mods had to say in their secret admin forum. Childish attitude isn't it ? :yell:

I don't give a fuck about this anyway, but I have to admit that I totally understand why you finally got bored with all those stories, rules and policies.
The same thing happened with the last two mods and when you have a forum with more than 400 users registered and only 50 regular people posting, you can understand why the place is not enjoyable anymore... :puke:

So there's no public feud anymore for me, but I still have a bit of rancor regarding what happened. The everyday life brings a shitload of disrespect and treacheries, I'm a kind of honest guy, I don't need the internet to make more enemies :loco:

So people, the ultimate forums are cool, I met real cool people around here (hey Quentin, what's up in Belgium that's what matters to me...

To finish, I'll keep you updated about what happened in the world of Dev.
I'm in contact with Dev, Tracy and Ryan almost every two days when they are not toooo busy....There are confidential things they don't want to see posted, but the only thing that I can say right now, is that Dev works on crazy projects

Tracy is also an awesome woman, . I don't want to sound too lick ass but in the music industry today people like her are too fucking rare. She is 100% in the label's work just to accomplish Dev's dreams...I love this attitude.

To finish, I just wanted to say that I provided graphics for the HDR advertising, in the fallout game booklet (nothing extraordinaire). I won't buy the game, when it's here, tell me if I'm in the booklet...

thanks brothers
Well Geoff, when Carl sent out -that- email, I had to examine the situation honestly. It was the "worst thing" to ever happen to the community after all. What I found convinced me that the above title belonged to Carl himself.
In regards to only 50 regulars making it boring... it's not the quantity so much as quality. The best forum I use has access to a user base of thousands but only 15 regulars. Carl's place... there are some very decent, intelligent people there. However, there's also this unfortunately vocal batch of humourless self righteous cretins to drown them out.

As for my signature... you do know such things can be turned off, right?
As for my signature... you do know such things can be turned off, right?

ah ah ah
I used to play with signature before, on another forum, but because of this I became a message board terrorist, a parasite for a hairy punks virtual communauty. So now I stay quiet...

Yeah. Hairy punks who like to create high drama over your "unauthorized" login, but use their own equivalent things on servers they relinquished control over, right?

kleo706 said:
Carl's place... there are some very decent, intelligent people there. However, there's also this unfortunately vocal batch of humourless self righteous cretins to drown them out.
You better be talking about me you two ;)

Let's not re-start feuds elsewhere shall we?