Symphonic Death Metal allá Finland/GBG!`?


Oct 20, 2003
Sweden Falkenberg
The swedish metal band "Fallen Angels" ( have recently recorded there new demo "Black Lotus" in Studiomega (The crown, Eternal Lies, Arise, Beseech) and it would be cool if you could give some feedback considering those clips:

Soulstone splinter: (demo II)/1.Soulstone splinter (preview).mp3

Crowned in despair: (demo II)/2.Crowned in despair (preview).mp3

Where the black lotus grows: the black lotus grows (preview).mp3

I wonder if that is the most cliche I have ever
seen in a cover, including the name of the band :D

And Hearse, you are getting away with it ;)

Hungry, nope, bored, very very much so.
i really should merge this thread, but i like the misspelling of "à la" too much: it's just so creative. i mean, common sense would suggest that if you don't know how to spell something so fanciful and artsy you would just leave it instead of running the risk of looking clownish, right?
Hmm, I see a pentagram. Never seen that before in a metal band. :p
rahvin said:
what did you get wrong? :confused: if it's about cliche instead of cliché, it's almost international, and we all know the english language won't use accents, so... you're free to go. :p
Ok *whew* for a moment there I was really scared...
well, not really, but you know I don't wanna look clownish,
since I'm so grim and tr00 and look like I am taking a dumb ;)
For a Swede, your English isnt too great.. :err:
And besides, if youre "singing" in English, or your vocalist, I'm not interested :erk: :lol:

Btw. You reallllyyy like PENTAGRAMS?? :confused: woooooooooow BUAHAHAHHA thats so tr00 grim n3kr0 OMG Youre too cool

Even if my English isn´t the best, i´m sure you are understanding my point... And as the major music writer in Fallen Angels, I appreciate my skills in writing music much higher then the english language... The lyrics is handled by the vocalist so dont be to worried..
Ignore "Rectum" his ehm capability to write (don’t mention speak) English is really a disaster. But he keeps doing kick ass songs (He’s the lead guitarist and music writer) and since he’s my brother I guess we can live with him.

Anyway I’m the singer and I also write the lyrics. (In a matter of fact I would kill him if he moves closer then six feet’s to my writing) I don’t know about this Magic thing you’re mentioning but I could explain some background facts about “Black Lotus”.

The white lotus is a respected symbol In Hinduism and means “The all seeing eye” in other words God. Why? The white lotus flower actually grows all over those countries so it actually makes sense they think it “watches over them…” However! In the lyrics of the song “Where the black lotus grows” the black Lotus is opposite to the white lotus… and that would make it… yeah guess you can figure that out yourself. (If you grind down the flower black lotus and make tee of it. It also has the same effect as opium hehe but that’s another tale…)

Considering my artwork for “Black Lotus” I guess it isn’t that original. But it fit perfectly on this demo. The pentagram indicates lust and since the three songs on the demo all have the returning theme of losing something important in your life. (Mainly love) I thought this would be fitting. I guess I have repaired some damage Rectum has caused and at least I can go away with my head high. So long!
sweet, we're recruiting the whole family. ;)

@abbadon: your artwork, especially the image of the lotus, the name of the record, the name of the band, is highly reminiscent of a collectible card game (your brother seems to know what i'm talking about) that was popular a few years ago. a card called "black lotus" (who went rare, and a collector's item, and highly overpriced) showed the very image at the centre of your record's artwork. i assumed you were aware of the connections: if you aren't, well, that just goes to show how creativity can reach similar results in time. :)

rectum didn't do any permanent damage, don't worry. you see, around here the common consensus is if you show up and actually back up some posts, then you're not really much of a spammer anymore and people are usually nicer to you than if you had just dropped by to leave your advertisement and disappeared into the night. ;)
rahvin: I feel confused :) The image of the black lotus between the angel/demons hand is a sketch I made from a painted image I found at AltaVista. (I guess it was a counter-strike clan actually that had it at there homepage could be some card game also not sure...) The fact is that I didn’t lay any weight at research where the picture where from it was just a plane good picture of a black lotus that inspired me.

Something like this it:
RealHazard: Guess ppl says we sound like Children of bodom at time but that was more the old material..

rahvin: hehe wierd it was that flower i made my scetch from :D But that card border where not there .. that´s upfucked ;)