Symphonic Death Metal allá Finland/GBG!`?

I played that game actually. When I went home a couple months ago, my friends started playing it again. It was kind of odd. But that game's a classic.

@abbadon: I think the artwork is kind of interesting by the way. Good luck with the band. :)
I dunno, but shouldn't a band be liked because of their MUSIC first instead of their artworks, name or whatever?? :confused:
Well yeah, but that would make sense.

(though in this thread they're simply and inoffensively discussing the artwork/names matter, not letting this thread be yet another piece of drive-by spam. So it's quite alright)
First of all i have to agree with the others about the artwork, it could be better, but since it's a demo let's not be very harsh.. The lotus on the cover looks blue to me though. :p

As for the band name, i suggest you find another one, this is too cliche to be remembered or identified with a single band. My opinion is you should find smt more catchy and unique.

You should also get a bit more creative regarding the song titles. "Crowned in despair" is too similar to "crowned in terror", and "where the black lotus grows" i'd say is a rip off of "where the wild roses grow" (nick cave).

I'm sorry i can't comment on the songs, but i'm on 56K.

Cheers and good luck with your band. :)

edit: and i can't put accents with my keyboard. :p