Symphonic Metal [Mix]

nah, but seriously though: I LOVE THIS SHIT. nothing is bothering me, it really sounds like a solid piece, like everything that should be there is there. only thing would be that the intro is slightly too long, but that can be good, really gets me to the edge of my seat so to speak. please give me some info on what you are using. what ampsims (or amp perhaps), what snare, kick, drum software.
Hi Backe, Glad that you like my music hehe, well Im using :

Drum : Metal Foundry + Trigger [samples from Erkan].
Ampsims : Amplitube 3 + Impulses [Orange Cab 2 mics]
Orchestra : All from Kontakt instruments hehe.

I do feel, it still sound weak...donno, maybe because I mix it too ears get to tired haha.
Yeah, it comes from Bass Guitar, it sounds good on its own, but when in the mix, it sounded weird. Will look on that later. Hurm, orchestra sounds bad yah? any tips to improve that? thanks for the comments :P
Just wanted to say I really like this tune. The mix could use a little work. I think the guitars are maybe a bit overgained and the snare is really dry. However, the mix isn't getting in the way of the fact that it's a really cool song!

Great work man. Do you have any other stuff?
Just wanted to say I really like this tune. The mix could use a little work. I think the guitars are maybe a bit overgained and the snare is really dry. However, the mix isn't getting in the way of the fact that it's a really cool song!

Great work man. Do you have any other stuff?

I do...but the old stuff sound kinda lame.... haha

Taylor Swift Metal Cover <--- Poor mix =S

Film Score <--- old project

My 1st attempt on Symphonic Metal, Guitar/Drum sound like shit haha.

Hurmmm, so should turn the gain down a little bit on the guitars? The Snare got reverb...but maybe I roll off too many freq on the reverbs, so its hardly appears in the mix. Any tips on getting big snare room sounds?
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That clicking from the bass is REALLY distracting man. The song is really cool, but that should be fixed!

Thanks man, will work on the bass later, just cut off some freq on the high mids on the bass? is it necessary to cut it all the way, or just in certain part of the song?
Testing out new D-Sonic Pickup, tested on Ibanez RG270 :

Some comments please :S need your opinion regarding Guitar sound, fyi, there's no bass track in the song lol.
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