symphony x cancelled??!!!


New Metal Member
Nov 19, 2002
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Does anybody know why Symphony X cancelled their Fort Lauderdale show? My wife and I were going to drive from Tampa today, now I don't even know if I want to go. We had just seen BG at ProgPower, and although they were good, Symphony X was who we were going for.
I am quite peeved that Symphony X bailed at the Ft. Lauderdale show, but a band called Premonition stepped up and filled in. While you can't begin to compare the two bands, Premonition were a lot of fun and did pretty well considering who they had to replace. No one there seemed to know their originals, but they brought down the house with their renditions of Maiden's "Fear of the Dark" and Sabbath's "Paranoid".

For those who did saw BG at Progpower and opted not to go to the Ft. Lauderdale show (or didn't see them at PP and still didn't see them in FL), I pity you. :) The energy that Edguy generated at PP paled in comparison to what BG pulled out at the Culture Room. I don't know if it was the more intimate setting, the fact that they were well rested or the fact that everyone present was most definitely there for BG, but I was totally blown away by the performance last evening. Utterly incredible. I was at the very front and could not have been more than a foot away from Hansi when he was at stage left. I was mildly impressed with BG at PP, but last night they kicked ass like no one else and the we, the fans, gave them everything we had.

Fucking awesome.

I'm sure they were awesome, and I'm sorry I missed them, but my wife has actually been very sick, and although she wanted to make the trip for Symphony X (her favorite band), we didn't feel she was really up for it, and since they wouldn't be there, it wasn't worth making her feel worse. Btw, does anybody have a set list for BG at the Culture Room?
I do not have a complete set list, but I can try to recall from memory the differences of the shows between PP & Ft. Lauderdale...

The Soulforged nor Lost in the Twilight Hall were performed in FL, but Under the Ice and Harvest of Sorrow were. I am pretty sure the sets were nearly the same otherwise - the song order was slightly different as well. Sorry this isn't much help. :( I would have preferred the PP setlist at Culture Room, now that I think about it. hehe.
Yeah - to say I was disapointed that Symphony X cancelled at the last minute is an understatement. I'm currently nuts about the new album and last year, I specifically went to ProgPower to see Sym X - there was some kind of tech problem before they played friday night which delayed them getting on stage, and then the kicker was that the guy I was staying in Atlanta with, we took the train to go see the show - and of course the last train was just after midnight so we had to leave 2 1/2 songs into the set..... Man was I pissed.

When I heard about the Lauderdale show, I was ecstatic. I figured the karmic wheel had come around and I was getting my payback........ whoops.... guess not.....

I think the most painful thing was reading all those reviews of the shows in the weeks before on the Portnoy forum, and hearing about how Sym X kicked total ass.
