Symphony X End Of Innocence


New Metal Member
Apr 13, 2013
Hi guys, i need a midi file or tabs for keyboard ( for the end of innocence).. i ve found only one midi file but its not good.. can anybody help?
There's a pretty good guitar pro file around somewhere. Includes all the keyboard parts. You should get guitar pro, most handy for learning stuff! (I work with GP 5.2, I've seen GP 6 briefly and it didn't look very suitable for keyboard stuff but I can very well be wrong there. GP 5.2 is guaranteed a good tool)
I couldn't even find the keyboard view in GP6. :p Also I loaded some keyboard-heavy songs I made in GP5 into GP6 and it all sounded like shit. Might be the computer (not mine) not supporting midi maybe or whatever, I don't know exactly how all that stuff works.