Symphony X in Brazil! I JUST CAN'T BELIEVE!!!!!!!

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†Russel Allen†®

The King of Terrors
Jul 25, 2002
SP - Brazil
Fãs de heavy metal tem um ótimo motivo para comemorar: está nascendo um novo festival do estilo, o Live n’ Louder (“ao vivo e mais alto”, em português).

Na primeira edição do evento, inicialmente marcada para o dia 15 de outubro deste ano, estão confirmadas as bandas Scorpions, Nightwish, Angra, Testament, Symphony X e The 69 Eyes.

O Festival acontecerá em São Paulo, Santiago no Chile e Cidade do México, no México. Mais nomes podem ser anunciados para o evento ao longo do ano.

Heavy metal fans have a great reason to celebrate: a new heavy metal festival is coming, "Live n' Louder". On its first edition, scheduled for October 15th this year, bands like Scorpions, Nightwish, Angra, Testament, Symphony X and The 69 Eyes are already confirmed.

The festival will happen in Sao Paulo (Brazil!!!!!!!!), Santiago in Chile, and Mexico City. More bands may be announced for the event throughout the year.

This is not confirmed as of today according to MJR..when/if that changes, it'll be announced here, on the websites, & on the mailing lists.
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