Symphony X Play their Epics

kane jordison

New Metal Member
Nov 25, 2003
I'm still waiting for a 'Symphony X play their Epics' Night. I know they only have 2 'real epics,' but it would be really cool. The setlist could be something like this:

1. A Lesson Before Dying (why not?)
2. A Winter's Dream (Both Parts)
3. Accolade I + II
4. The Edge of Forever
5. Rediscovery (Parts 1+2, why havent they played this live yet?!?!?)
6. DWoT (nuff said)
7. The Odyssey

Come on, I'd love it. Others could be like Through the looking glass, Awakenings, Church of the Machine and Communion and the Oracle, but it depends on individual people. I would personally love.

:) Pweeeeeeeeeeeaaaaaasse
Wow man, we posted at damn near the same time. Anyway, I saw Awakenings live once. It wasn't that cool, to tell you the truth. It's just one of those ones that's really good on the album but doesn't do that great live (like most of "V").
Well, I suppose that, seeing as some songs are a must have, they could do an encore or something... or possibly do some shorts at the 'end' and have an epic for the encore. Iao, but yeah, i see the point